How can I estimate the percentage of loading metal oxide on support catalyst such as 8% of CuO (loading) on MgO (support) catalyst, for catalyst CuO/MgO?
I think we can do it on weight basis like if 100 gm of MgO is loaded with 8 gm of CuO or by other method like we know the initial weight of MgO and we are impregnating with CuO then after we can measure the weight of MgO increase in weight is the weight of CuO on MgO so from weight difference we can calculate % of catalyst loading.
Agree with Sumit with the provision that make sure you are measuring weight changes of the anhydrous materials. Dry each in an oven at ~100-200C in a weight tared vessel, cool in a dessicant filled container and weigh as quickly as possible. Alternatively, dissolve the materials in a oxidizing mineral acid (e.g. HNO3) and measure the concentrations of Cu+2 and Mg+2 spectrophometrically (after addition of specific chelators (neocuproine for Cu+2 , EDTA titration for Mg+2). Alternatively (and better if you have access to instrumentation) determine the concentrations of Cu and Mg via AAS (atomic absorption spectrophotometry) or ICP (inductively coupled plasma). Hope this helps!
I agree with Prof. Venkatathri. If you want to load metal oxide on support solids you should consider the whole weight of that composite. CuO/MgO = 100 g (100%) so 8 % CuO= 8 g and 92 g MgO.