I'm a little unsure if I have the correct formula. I'm looking to calculate the potential maximum output for Photovoltaic material when I know the surface area. i.e. peak= Wm^2 x total area Is there anything else I should consider here? Thanks
The formula you have used will provide Incident power on solar panel. To measure output of the solar panel you can follow this Simple formula for understanding.
The global formula to estimate the electricity generated in output of a photo voltaic system is :
E = A * r * H * PR
E = Energy (kWh) A = Total solar panel Area (m2) r = solar panel yield or efficiency(%) H = Annual average solar radiation on tilted panels (shadings not included) PR = Performance ratio, coefficient for losses (range between 0.5 and 0.9, default value = 0.75) Inverter losses (4% to 10 %) battery losses(10-15%) - Temperature losses (5% to 20%) - DC cables losses (1 to 3 %) - AC cables losses (1 to 3 %) - Shadings 0 % to 80% !!! (specific to each site) - Losses at weak radiation 3% to 7% - Losses due to dust, snow... (2%) - Other Losses
I agree with Md. Adnan Faisal Siddique , In order to calculate the actual output of a PV panel you also need to consider different losses occurring after the collection of solar insulation along with losses of other components integrated with the PV system. Like for Simple PV systems commonly you need to consider Wire losses, Inverter losses, shadow effect, battery losses, degradation in power due to temperature etc.