I have the AFM and SEM images of PANI, Graphene and PANI-Graphene samples. Kindly assist with any idea how I could determine the size distribution of these samples from the SEM or AFM images.
I use Gatan micrograph software to determine size distribution. in this regards, you open your captured image by this software, and then calculated 3 diameter of your nanoparticles with numbered line in the tool bar! then you export your data to the excel and get average of each NP, then drow size distribution. if you want to use Image g, first you must define a distance between 2 point, then started to calculate diamete of each NP with numbered line in toolbar. (You can download Gatan Micrograph Free online).
You may search video in this field in YouTube...you just type " how to use imageJ for nanoparticle size distribution analysis " ..you will get so many related video which would be very help full for you.
If you can export your image as .dm3 file your scale will be embedded and you won't be needing to define the distance between two points. With good contrast of your sample you can opt for the auto option. Otherwise stick with manual.
The way I got around a similar issue was to export the raw data into a txt or csv file. The raw data contains everything you need to reconstruct the image including scan rate/pitch as well as height and phase infomration (depending on how you did your scan of course). This is all found in the header of the file. When you have this you can simply parse the data and do anything you like with it in Python/C etc. This also skips the hassle of dealing with weird filetypes and unfamiliar software.