The humanities have a different and even greater utility than the purely mercantilist, commercial, economic, interested or utilitarian. It is the vital utility of culture, civility, spirituality and human growth. One should not lose what should be considered valuable and profitable: the simple, the detail, the naive, creativity, imagination, curiosity, dreams, the pleasant, the aesthetic. Even if you don’t make money with them, they are essential. Culture, including of course that inherited from the classics, becomes the means of surviving hell in life, because it allows us to discern, criticize, recognize, resist, maintain human dignity and consolidate freedoms.
Humanism recommends respecting others and treating them with kindness unless there is a clear violation of social norms. It is opposed to racism, sexism, and other 'isms' used to oppress and disenfranchise any group. Humanists are not necessarily anti-religion, though such do exist. The principle justification for humanism lies in what is often term 'the golden rule'; treat others as you would have them treat you. Reciprocity is probably the most fundamental of human rules and is een found in the animal world.
@ Alexander humanitists justify humanism by focusing on 1. Human Motivational Needs David McClelleland and Hierarchical Needs Abraham Maslow not Race, Religion, Ethnicity or Tribe. Greek philosophy about people in society categorizes people into IDIOTS, TRIBALISTS, and CITIZENS
Humanities focuses on human development providing the marginalized with CAPABILITIES to Excel as Amartya Sen stated