Hi, I am working on chicken duodenum and I faced with 2 problems during working on IHC. 

1- I faced with high background and for eliminating that, based on articles, I used 0,1% Sudan Black B in 70% ethanol, for 20 min and follow my protocol for staining. But, I could not see any deceasing of background.

2- I am working with NDV virus and I used both conjugated and un-conjugated Ab. But. I can not see any virus in duodenum. My conjugated Ab is ALEXA FLUOR 555 which suggests 1:50 and 1:200 dilatation. But, I could not detect any virus in that dilutions. Some references suggested 1:8000 and after I tried, even that didn't work for me. Now, I do not know where is my problem???!!!

My un-conjugated Ab is Lightning-Link R-Phycoerythrin (LL-RPE) kit which I used 3×100 µg kit. I used dilutions from 1:50 to 1:2000 and did not succeed. 

Here I mention my protocol in case any part of this wrong. Besides, I attached a file which I indicated that how I prepared my reagents for IHC, in case any part of my preparation also be wrong. I be happy if anybody can help me.


1.    Heat slides in an oven at 60  for 30-60 minutes.

2.    Deparaffinization:

-          Xylene                       5 minutes

-          Xylene                       5 minutes

-          Xylene                       5 minutes

3.    Rehydration:

-          100% Alcohol            3 minutes

-          100% Alcohol            3 minutes

-          95% Alcohol              2 minutes

-          95% Alcohol              2 minutes

-          80% alcohol                2 minutes

-          dH2O                        5 minutes

-          dH2O                        5 minutes

4.    Antigen Retrieval:

-          Boil slides in water bath with a mix of 0.1 M sodium citrate buffer and 0.1 M citric acid solution, pH 6.0 at 90°C for 20 minutes.

-          Remove the slides from heat and allow them to stand at room temperature in buffer for 10 minutes.

-          dH2O                          5 minutes

-          TBST                           3 changes , 5 minutes

5.    Immunostaining:

-          Block endogenous peroxidase activity with 3% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) fo 10 minutes at RT

-          TBST                          3 changes , 5 minutes

-          Block sections with 5% BSA blocking solution for 2 hours at RT.

-          TBST                           3 changes , 5 minutes

-          Drain the slides and incubate the diluted primary antibody overnight at 4 oc

-          TBST                           3 changes , 5 minutes

-          Immerse the slides in a jar of 0,1% Sudan Black B in 70% ethanol, for 20 min, in room temperature

-         TBST                            3 changes , 5 minutes     

-          Counterstain with hematoxylin for 1 minute

-          ddH2O                      5 minutes

-          ddH2O                      5 minutes

6.    Dehydration:

-          95% Alcohol              1 minute

-          95% Alcohol              1 minute

-          100% Alcohol            1 minute

-          100% Alcohol            1 minute

-          Xylene                       1 minute

-          Xylene                      2 minute

-          Xylene                      2 minute

-          mount coverslips

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