"IT" is a tool, and how it is managed may certainly affect the risk profile of a company on several fronts. However, you may need to work from "First Principles" of Risk Management and apply them to the application of various IT management strategies. I don't know off-hand of any research articles specifically related to IT Management strategies as a Risk Management factor. There are many papers, booklets, resources, articles, and books on Risk Management in different industries or perspectives.
Hace poco me acerque a este tema de la gestión de riesgos. Para evaluarlo y aplicarlo, puedes basarte en la gestión de procesos, o la gestión de proyectos. Estudie y preparé un Plan de riesgos para un proyecto específico, pero puedo compartirte mis apuntes:
"The purpose of this Risk Management plan is to provide an analysis of the project activities and to present any possible difficulties that may occur to ensure a smooth and successful implementation of the project so that it can achieve its objectives and deliver the planned outputs. Therefore, this document provides an approach to identify and evaluate the risk of adverse situations, which can negatively affect the outcomes of the XXXX project, and proposes adequate measures to address the issues during the project implementation."
1. Risk management mechanism
This risk management plan is intended to maximize the probability of success of the XXXX Project. This will be achieved by accurately identifying any potential difficulties in the implementation of the project and by careful planning and execution of all measures, which will help prevent the emergence of these difficulties or help minimize their negative impact.
The mechanism used to establish the Risk Management plan is presented in the figure (Fig. 1) and includes the phases of Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Response Planning, Risk Monitoring, Mitigation and Control, and Reporting and Feedback.
3.1. Risk identification
Proper risk identification is a complicated process that requires establishing standards, schedules, guidelines, plans, and mechanisms for the timely discovery and evaluation of risks.
During the project preparation phase, several plans will be developed, including this one, which will ensure that the project deliverables are identified, that the timeline for their achievement is clear, and that all members of the project consortium are aware of the quality of the expected results.
Once the results are clearly defined, and the methods and mechanisms for their completion are established, potential threats to project implementation and their mitigation measures can be identified. However, the project's successful outcome indicators have been identified in the preparation phase, so a preliminary risk management plan can be adequately established.
Once the mechanisms for completing project activities and tasks are defined and implemented, the risk management plan can be updated, if necessary, to address any newly identified risks appropriately. Preliminary risks for the XXXX project are listed in the Risk Management Register, which is presented in the next section of this document. These preliminary risks and the measures identified and proposed to mitigate or avoid them are available to all partners within the project consortium and must be updated by all partners. The following issues will be used as tools and techniques for risk identification:
· Analysis of the status of results and progress indicators according to the work plans of the project's expert groups.
· Analysis of the Activity plan and any potential delays
· Analysis of the Quality plan, the quality indicators, and the related activities
· Analysis of the Project Dissemination Plan
· Analysis of the Project Management Plan and any deviations
Another tool for risk analysis is the risk breakdown structure diagram, which shows different types of risks that could affect a project.
Periodic communication between project members will ensure the anticipation of risks throughout the project execution period. Additionally, each consortium member is responsible for reporting new potential risks.
3.2 Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is a very crucial part of the risk management process. Appropriate evaluation requires a proven methodology appropriate and acceptable for projects of this scale, duration, and size.
The PMT will estimate the probability of the occurrence of each identified risk and the impact of these risks on the project.
This will be achieved using a risk exposure matrix with a five-grade evaluation scale: Negligible, Low, Medium, High, and Extreme.
To do this, we must evaluate the Probability of Risk Occurrence vs. the Impact of Risk, and the Risk Evaluation. The risk exposure matrix will be used to estimate risk levels.
3.3 Risk planning and response
The risk response strategy presents the general measures to be activated in response to any identified threat.
The strategy represents a plan that assigns roles and responsibilities and provides a response framework for risk owners and measures to avoid and mitigate them.
3.4 Monitoring, mitigation, and control
All XXXX project partners are responsible for communicating to the project management team the importance of each identified risk and the expected effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures so that the register of the identified risks can be appropriately updated and the relevance of the proposed measures can be evaluated.
Risk owners confirm the identified risks' accuracy and the proposed responses' effectiveness. Risk managers will monitor the situation and inform the PMT if new risks are identified or if the proposed measures are inadequate or do not produce the expected effect.
Risk exposure will be continually re-evaluated and modified accordingly, as defined by the risk management mechanism described before.
3.5. Reports and comments
The register of the identified risks must be updated and reviewed periodically by the project management team.
A separate register of risks found should also be created and presented periodically. This register will contain the list of all risks found, the problems caused by them, and the preventive measures or mitigation actions that were carried out to overcome them.
The Risk Management Register
The register contains three different sections:
· Section 1 is dedicated to anticipated risks, that is, those risks that have been identified at the proposal stage.
· Section 2 lists the unforeseen risks that have been identified since the beginning of the project and
· Section 3 presents the risk mitigation measures taken during the project"
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