Extracting the data from the plot and the equation.
Many thanks Aparna. Actually the link is about theoretical basics behind Dark IV measurements. I need to know How to extract dark current practically. I’d be grateful if you have practical example.
Thanks for your rapid response Aparna Sathya Murthy, I sent it in private.
please provide me the most recent Scopus Index Journals List, February-2021
27 February 2021 3,545 1 View
I made anew account because I was invited be one of my coauthors and I forgot my password by then
28 December 2020 6,409 2 View
I have tried different pretrained networks with Adam optimizer, and obtained high performance. However, when I tried it with Alex network, the performance was poor. Could you please help me...
28 September 2020 5,621 1 View
Hello everyone, I am trying to use Popgene 32 software for analysis of binary data for dominant marker of five ISSR primers across five populations and having 38 loci. Unfortunately the program...
22 September 2020 7,369 4 View
I have ordered primers from Thermo fisher scientific and in the analysis sheet it has been mentioned two tm The first one is tm 1M na+ 70 and the second is Tm 50mM na+ 48 and each has different...
29 August 2020 6,890 12 View
I have prepared 15wt.% PDMS and poured it on a glass petri dish, then let it dry for 72 hr at room temp. after I tried to peel it and it doesn't work, so I am crosslinked in an oven for 3 hr , but...
26 July 2020 9,892 2 View
For membrane preparation PVDF will be used , and I was wondering which solvent is the best for dissolving it, non-Toxic solvent , useful in dissolving other polymers such as PES, PDMS, Peba
05 July 2020 1,655 5 View
I want to learn R programming language but I do not know a source from which I can start, I need it for statistical analysis of Ecological, Molecular, floristic, and Taxonomic studies.
14 June 2020 4,985 9 View
it has groups that allow it to be fluorescent but it doesn't
10 April 2020 6,483 3 View
but photon doesn't have or it is negligible and it could have huge amount of energy . HOW?
10 April 2020 3,545 14 View
Hi all, I am validating a polyclonal antibody raised against human ANT4, through WB and ICC. In most of my controls, the antibody shows very little off-target binding, but when I pre-incubate the...
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Hi, Could you help me to get the latest (2019, 2020) solar resource data for a particular site in JAPAN? PV GIS and NSRDB data are not in reach to JAPAN, I'm looking for some other database for...
03 March 2021 961 3 View
Hello, I have a mechanism where air rises due to convective flows. In this simulation, nothing is driving the air except this. I understand that the Boussinesq approximation only works for small...
02 March 2021 4,910 3 View
I need to prepare a solution of Napabucasin (inhibitor of cancer cell stemness) in dichloromethane. The drug is expensive, so maybe somebody already tried to do it. If it is soluble, what is the...
02 March 2021 9,945 3 View
im working now on TPV solar cells and metamaterials and i realy need our help in CST microwave i have a tpv cell simulation and i want to extract particullarly the absorbtion of only the active...
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I am thinking about working on solar furnace with heliostats that concentrate sunlight and heat molten salt, but currently no luck with research. Not a lot of papers based on the subject. (check...
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I am designing a small grid connected solar PV power-plant. As the battery's capacity is specified in Ah and demand in kWh. What is the best way to size the battery bank? I have battery price in...
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28 February 2021 2,534 2 View
I have a doubt on how to select the inductor and capacitor value when I want to implement MPPT controller. This is because we always take a maximum output voltage and current but in this case, we...
28 February 2021 3,637 2 View
I diluted siRNA and RNAiMAX in opti-MEM and added to the cells which they were in the growth medium. Is it a right way? or should I culture cells in the opti-MEM medium for a while and not in...
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