A creative idea is a original thought. It would qualify as innovative if it is put into action and used to create some value. For example I have an original thought that cars should be made to use water as fuel. It becomes innovative once I implement the idea and start designing the car.
As Indika Wettasinghe says. Generally, creativity is defined as something that is novel (original) and appropriate or useful. However, it can be problematic to include values like usefulness in the definition since it means that something novel might first become creative long after the fact when the idea becomes useful. I subscribe to Weisberg's definition where something is creative if it is novel and created with intent. This definition also helps distinguish between creativity, design and innovation in that creative ideas through a design process are made useful and then utilized (see, for example, Weisberg, R. W. (2009) "On 'out-of-the-box' thinking in creativity" in Markman, A. B., & Wood, K. L. (2009) "Book Tools for Innovation
" pp. 23-47). "Utilized" is in this context not only about being used but also requires some level of diffusion since most innovations are measured based on their impact and not only their novelty or usefulness.