Besides the knowledge of your subject, good pronunciation and punctuality , a professional professor needs certain skills to transfer the knowledge to the learners with the acceptance of a least 60% learning on the behalf of the learners.
he should ask this question before leaving the class.
How much am i successful/satisfied in transferring the knowledge?
if he feels that it is more than 50% then it is good outcomes.
Reaching a very high level of professional excellence in all disciplines including English teaching requires grit- a persistent perseverance for attaining our academic goals. Therefore, the promptitude of action , our readiness to interact with the principles laid out by the philosophy of English education paves the way for reaching the highest levels of professionality in English teaching. After all, as the wise adage states, "Actions speak louder than words." Although action may not always bring happiness , there is no happiness without action.
dear Reza Biria, as a professional language professor, ur knowledge in different ields of language teaching/learning is really valuable. thank u for sharing ur views
Dear Farangis, a good professor is someone who always tries to be up-to-date in his field whether for teaching or for research. He needs to self-criticise his ways and techniques of teaching; he must make his students quite interested in the topics and should invite them to participate through asking questions, presenting short projects (exposés). Never show that you master the topic to the point the learners will be afraid of asking you anything and look like ignorant .
Nowadays, sustainability and lifelong learning are key points in the success of language teaching. Mastering the language and its cultural values, and having excellent knowledge of the content to be taught are requirements for empowering students with the required skills for communication and the labor market. The professor should update his knowledge on the best practices and the ICTs used in education that make learning faster, cheaper and lasts longer. The professor should know how to enhance student-student interaction, participation, and engagement; he/she should motivate the students to use the language outside the educational institutions, and emphasize group work as the student is the center of the educational process. Therefore, he/she should know how to keep the students busy in classes and establish a platform for them to communicate outside schools. This extends the space of learning and overcomes time constrains, and limited exposure to the language. Languages are to be acquired and used as means of communication and not to be viewed as a matter of memorization.
Updating oneself in both current theories and practical implication arenas relating to their fields. Moreover, enough competence in research methodologies are required
Two basic requirements are needed for a professional English professor: language proficiency in English and a good awareness of English language teaching theories and practices