It depends on the ion exchane material. Many ion exchange resins are made by derivitizing a substrate. For silica-based ion exchange resins, the silica is purified and made into particles of a particular size. The silica is then derivitized with whatever chemistry is desired (C18, Cyano, diol, or, in this case, ion exchange). This means that only the surface of the particle contains the ion exchange chemistry. Grinding the silica to make finer particles will expose silica that isn't derivitized- there will be ion exchange properties, but also more silica. The ion-exchange capacity will not increase.
Other ion exchange resins may behave differently- Dowex resins have the ion exchange throughout the structure (see: )
Why not buy smaller size ion exchange resin? If you really need to do it, you need special tool to make them smaller. Freezing the resins can be helpful.