Explanation: The question focuses on the utilization of technology in the context of education and aims to explore how it can be effectively incorporated into teaching and learning practices to improve student engagement and overall academic performance. The question seeks insights into strategies, methodologies, and best practices that educators and institutions can adopt to maximize the benefits of technology in the educational setting.

In the question, "integration of technology" refers to the incorporation of digital tools, software, hardware, and online resources into traditional teaching methods. Examples of technology integration may include using interactive whiteboards, educational apps, virtual reality simulations, online collaboration platforms, and learning management systems.

The term "teaching and learning process" refers to the complete cycle of educational activities, from lesson planning and content delivery by teachers to knowledge acquisition and skill development by students. It encompasses the various stages of instruction, classroom interactions, assessments, and feedback mechanisms.

The primary focus of the question is to seek practical and evidence-based suggestions on how technology integration can positively impact student engagement. This might include aspects such as increasing student motivation, fostering active participation, promoting self-directed learning, or tailoring learning experiences to individual student needs.

The question also addresses the connection between technology integration and learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are the measurable knowledge, skills, and competencies that students acquire through the educational process. By understanding how technology can influence learning outcomes, researchers can identify effective strategies that lead to improved academic achievements

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