Ser pragmático, pensar, resolver e assumir o pragmatismo, não significa, necessariamente, superficialidade, dificuldades de compreensão ou reducionismos, como, por vezes, certas correntes de pensamento têm indicado. Enquanto escola filosóica, o pragmatismo filosófico tem muito a contribuir com o pensamento e com o modo como as questões, problemas e relações podem ser enfrentadas. Basta ler, por exemplo, John Dewey nas questões educacionais. A relação entre a teoria e as ações, o foco na reflexão para resolver problemas e, de alguma forma, a educação que prima pela ideia de democracia e liberdade e, desta forma, com objetivos práticos, ocupada em conduzir a formação com sentido político, cidadão, de participação, parecem ser interessantes, não somente para a África, mas para outras sociedades, também.
Basically, I would say that there is better and worse, good and bad in the pragmatic tradition. Being American and trained in philosophy, I have obligated myself to follow its various developments. You may find the following of some interest:
Chapter Introduction, "Emerson on Creativity in Thought and Action"
This is the "Introduction" to my annotated edition of Emerson's 1860 book of essays, The Conduct of Life.
Have a look. Emerson was deeply concerned with cultural self-development, and this occasionally extended to an interest in education. The best in the pragmatic tradition often arose from what is best in Emerson's philosophy.
Dear Dimakatso: This is an important question and dear to my heart as a South African music educator. However, it might benefit from contextualising how you understand our education system as 'passive.' I'm not disputing your claim, merely curious as to how you see passivity playing out. There is a lot of value, I find, in asking the basic pragmatic question 'Does it work?' Prof Callaway has cited Emerson, a worthy member of the pragmatist 'school,' if there was ever such a thing. You might also look at William James, John Dewey, et al for their elucidations of pragmatism and its educational applications. Thanks, good question. Best, Marc