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Questions related from H.G. Callaway
MacIntyre and Boghossian on Relativism and Justification H.G. Callaway Draft of 30 January 2024 (1,260ww +notes) The contrast between Alasdair MacIntyre and Paul Boghossian on epistemic...
31 January 2024 6,842 3 View
From the Gilded Age to the Progressive Era. What were the chief problems, and what new federal legislation was passed to meet those problems? What did these problems have to do with the rapid...
19 June 2019 6,467 79 View
Smith's idea of the “invisible hand” is the basis of the belief that large-scale government intervention and regulation of the economy is neither needed nor helpful. Smith put forward the notion...
18 January 2019 2,491 71 View
I quote from the Encyclopedia Britannica, Aristotle used the term oligarchia to designate the rule of the few when it was exercised not by the best but by bad men unjustly. In this sense,...
11 July 2018 7,747 91 View
I quote from the Columbia University economist and Nobel Laureate, Joseph Stiglitz: Asymmetries of Information and Economic Policy This year's Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences went to George...
02 July 2017 5,085 70 View
According to Dr. M.L. King, "The arch of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." This very famous quotation is inscribed on the King Memorial in Washington, D.C., and President...
17 April 2016 1,538 95 View
There has been much attention to the political thought of Edmund Burke of late, and this arises, in part, out of the long felt tension between Burke on the American crisis of the late...
10 February 2016 5,084 77 View
In his short essay, “How Great Equations Survive,” Nobel laureate physicist Steven Weinberg argues that though equations survive through scientific change, they are reinterpreted in light of the...
17 June 2015 1,871 49 View
Whither multiculturalism? How are we to best understand multiculturalism, and is it good or bad thing for each multi-ethnic country? Though he applauds the encounters and broadening of the people...
21 May 2015 4,154 46 View
The equivalence principle tells us that the "force" of gravity is the same as the pseudo-force effecting unsupported bodies in an accelerated frame of reference, and it is regarded as central to...
05 March 2015 4,050 48 View
Generally sympathetic to Carlo Rovelli's pronounced "relationalism" regarding space and time, I still find some of what he says about this puzzling. This question seeks clarification. He argues,...
21 February 2015 1,638 43 View
De Tocqueville's theory of the social-political establishment follows his analysis of the Old Regime and the French Revolution; and he argued that violent revolution came to France because the...
10 December 2014 6,603 36 View
In The Nature of the Physical World, Eddington wrote: The principle of indeterminacy. Thus far we have shown that modern physics is drifting away from the postulate that the future is...
12 June 2014 7,318 77 View
New observations of polarization in the cosmic background radiation are thought to confirm not only the existence of gravitational waves, but also the hypothesis of cosmic inflation --exponential...
03 April 2014 615 26 View
The concept of corruption (Opening for a draft paper) Corruption is a matter of “dishonest or illegal behavior especially by powerful people,” including, for instance, government officials or the...
01 January 1970 6,516 95 View
The argument of this short piece is that freedom of speech is a normatively governed institution which like roads and bridges needs to be maintained by government. The argument draws on writings...
01 January 1970 1,639 39 View
Abstract The “use” theory of meaning arose from the later work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. On this approach, language and meaning are public affairs and learnable from public sources. Wittgenstein’s...
01 January 1970 9,592 3 View
Philadelphia, PA Dear readers, I would like to direct your attention to the following short video, titled "What did the Jews ever do for us?" This video, by Reef Rebels, runs around 10 Min....
01 January 1970 2,586 14 View