I'm dealing with the question whether the image of a city is a relevant factor to explain the economic performance of that city and I'm searching relvant literature.
Such studies depends on the size of the city (hence the city is large or small) yet you raise a very interesting concept such as maybe it uses vertical improvements such as homes turning into sky scrapers of farms changing into homes, this forces you to identify the 1-size of the city 2- type of buildings 3- human / kilometer distribution, maybe some other statistical information.
best regards,
P.s.: If I failed to understand your question please send me feedback to improve my answer, thanks
The book "The Image of the City", published by Kevin Lynch may be helpful. But you can hardly find any economic connections within this book. Also there is a new concept called "The Happy City" which creates links between individual well-being and certain service peeformance of the cities. OECD also published a well-being framework. Certain variables in this framework (and also from the happy city concept) can be used as indicators of the image of a city such as accessibility to housing, multiplicty of urban services, including leisure facilities.
On the other hand, there is a book published in 2002 written by Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift, "Cities: Re-Imagining the Urban". In their book they mention a new definition for the city in terms of mobilities. The definition was on the 2nd page as i remember. This book and the understanding approach of this definition will be helpful i believe.
And I wish you all the best, long time passed since we last met hope everything is fine :)
Dear Ozan, we haven't heard from each other for a longer time and I'm pleased to hear that your are doning fine (I hope your wife as well). So do I. Thank you for the hints. We'll follow them! I'm looking for a rating of image of big German cities because we want to show that image is a relevant factor to explain regional or urban performance (by econometric mehtods). And I'm also looking for some theoretical background (literature). So I'm sur your comment wll be helpful for us.
Don't forget to visit me when you are in Germany anywhere close to Mönchengladbach. Best
Dear Rüdiger, the market research agency IPSOS MORI publishes the ipsos city index and asks > 18.000 people of different age / lifestyle groups from > 20 countries three questions: Based on what you have seen yourself or heard about from others, which three cities in the world do you think are the best to:
a: live in
b: visit
c: do business in
You might derive at least image dimensions such as a: quality of live, b: touristic destination, c: business hot spot from this analysis ... you might find more here: