I am looking for physics-based measurements that can be performed in the edge plasma (upstream, not at the divertor) that yield the separatrix position or some boundary for it. Some of the methods I am working on:

- measure the profile of plasma potential, find the peak

- measure density or ion saturated current fluctuation, find zero skewness (inner boundary)

- measure the profile of electron temperature, electron density, heat flux etc., fit it with a "broken" double exponential and find the breaking point (outer boundary)

- measure the profile of poloidal velocity (cross-correlation of poloidally spaced probes, Er x B drift etc.) and find the zero

Some of the methods I have found (some thanks to the answers below):

- in H-mode, fit the pedestal Te or ne profile with the tanh function and find its center (can optionally be corrected for some fraction of the SOL width) [G. Porter, Physics of Plasmas 5, 1410 (1998)]

- (specific to field reversed configurations with a weak external plasma source) modulate the plasma source at a known frequency and measure the floating potential profile with a Langmuir probe; the region where the frequency amplitude goes down suddenly is the magnetic separatrix [answer by S. Cohen below]

- assuming pressure balance along the field line, map divertor pressure measurements to upstream (at the divertor, the strike point position is known, e.g. Eich function fit, maximum heat flux etc.) and match it to upstream pressure profile (this can also be done with the floating potential, electron temperature, heat flux...) [C. K. Tsui, Physics of Plasmas 24, 062508 (2017)]

- develop some really specialised probes [K. Uehara et al, 2006 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 45 L630]

- use the power balance criterion (AKA Stangeby's two-point model) to calculate the separatrix temperature, then find it on any measured Te profile [H J Sun et al 2017 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 59 105010]

I am open to any suggestions, links to previous research, or your personal experience (whether you've encountered the problem of not knowing exactly where the separatrix is, whether you think it's worth addressing etc.).

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