07 February 2015 4 462 Report

I am doing some simple detection of voice. Say I have 10 samples of a person "A'S "voice.1,2,.......10 (10 samples of A uttering say "Hello"). Now I want to design a simple system which can differentiate between the voice from rest of the voices.

So I chose a simple method, where I take A's voice 1st sample and correlate with the rest of the his voices 2,3,...10. I can see that correlation coefficient comes to be say 100,105,.......99 respectively for the samples.

Now when I correlate the voice A's 1 sample with any other voice of a person saying "hello" then I am expected to get a lower correlation value. Say 50, 60 etc.

Now my questions are:

1. How can I create a classifier this case.Imean I can set a threshold say 98 manullay . But how to do it using a classifer, please send me any matlab code.

2. I am taking A's 1st sample as a base. Am I doing correct or it is a bad idea to select one sample and correlate with with rest.

if there is any other better solution to detect based on correlation, then please let me know. 

My question is not with respect to voice detetion techniques rather about designing a classifier.

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