A master's thesis on the topic:
"Optimization of parameters of gas turbine working in climatic conditions
of the Republic of Iraq"
Year of defense: 2017.
Specialization: 13.04.01 «Heat power and heat technology».
Master's program: «Technology of electric production and heat energy».
Author of work: student of group MTЭ – 21.
Supervisor: Prof. Zhukov N.P.
Master thesis is devoted to investigation of water injection on the inlet to the
compressor of the gas turbine unit operated in the climatic conditions of the Republic
of Iraq.
A review of the literature describing known design for gas turbines, including
those operating in hot climates. Consider the different cooling air inlet in a gas
turbine installation.
The influence of outdoor temperature on performance parameters of the gas
turbine. It is established that the injection of water has a significantly large positive
impact on the operation of the compressor and gas turbines in General. Increasing
the amount of injected water rates of growth of parameters of efficiency of the
compressor and the whole setup is reduced due to changes in the process of evaporation
occurs when air is compressed, and increasing additional losses, depending
on the extent.-of air compressor. Growth efficiency was significant with a relatively
small amount of evaporated water.
The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, list of references,
contains 37 references and a single application. The contents of the thesis
is presented on page 71 of the text, including 39 figures and 2 tables and 17 pages
in the application.