I don't think XRD itself cannot be used alone to identify unknown material. With thousands of materials and their polymorphs, you will end up finding several references that looks more or less the same as your experimental data.
To the best of my knowdlege, you'll need to have some sort of elemental/compositional information of the unknown material (through EDX and/or XPS) prior to XRD, then check whether JCPDS of the materials with similar composition matches with your unknown.
If you can guess what elements exist in the substance, there are enough select elements in elemental analysis X'pert and then search results to fit peaks.
after the search peaks (in treatment) -> analysis -> search and match -> execute search and match -> restrictions (page) -> restriction set -> edit restriction sets -> Select elements -> All of (you guess these elements exist in the substance) -> add reset to none of... -> close -> search -> fitting search results