03 March 2016 10 1K Report

hello everyone ! I got a question about trait evolution analysis.

I have COI (Cytochrome oxidase I) DNA sequences for all species, and I have excel sheet for all morphological characters for all species eg. (thorax volume, proboscis length, wings and legs length, Max. width of tergite and sternite, mature egg length and number of mature eggs in ovary.........ect.). I need to use R software (ape and caper package).

Now, I want to analysis these data to study trait evolution history (Mapping these traits on the tree, the evolution relationships between these species). So, how could I achieve that goal ?

thank you all ! Any comments would be appreciated !

actually, I am a beginner in this field, I didn't have a lot experience. I need to now that:

1- I should build the tree from different software (like MEGA) and then import this tree to R.

2- Can I import the sequences to R and build the tree from it with out use other software?

3- In which kind of format I should save the sequences to import it to R?

4- how can I link this morphological data to the tree?

Thank you for all.

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