After 15-20 days of differentation of iPSC to CM I typically passage and plate the iPSC-CM in a 6-well matrigel-coated plate or 12-well if differentiation yielded low number of pure cardiomyocytes.

I have always used TrypLE Express (Thermofishersci: 12605028), at 37°C for 10-15 minutes.

Before the 10-15 minutes of incubation are complete, every 5 minutes I take my plates out and pipette each well 1 or 2 times maximum using p1000 tip.

I neutralize reaction by adding 1x or 2x volume of RPMI. I collect suspension in 15ml or 50ml conical and centrifuge 3 min at 300G.

I then remove media and resuspend with fresh RT iPSC-CM maintenance media using P1000.

But, at times, the CMs do not attach to the matrigel surface and instead form free floating clumps that can be seen beating for days after passaging. I am trying to avoid this from happening.

If this does happen I have tried breaking apart the large clumps by very gently using a 20G needle and/or passing my cardiospheres through a 40µm-70µm. Sometimes I get a nice monolayer and sometimes simply smaller free-floating cardioshperes.

Has anyone figured out how to avoid this and if so what protocol do you follow?

I understand clumping is due to DNA from dead cells that clump the CMs to each other instead of to the matrigel, and I am looking for a go-to method to avoid this from happening.

Thank you

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