I am trying to generate predictions for an exponential distance-decay model of a response variable (Y) varying with distance (D), i.e. Y = a*exp(-b*D). My problem is how to generate credible intervals for each predicted Y. I wrote the following code in the GENMOD procedure of SAS.
ods graphics on;
proc genmod data=mydata;
model logY = Distance/ dist = normal;
bayes seed = 4861 NBI=500 nmc = 10000 cprior = jeffreys diagnostics = all summary = all;
output out=newout pred = predict upper = LCL lower = UCL;
ods graphics off;
Proc print data = newout;
The Bayesian point estimates and their equal-tail and highest density intervals are fine. However the lower and upper limits I got are the maximum likelihood confidence limits. I guess there is a way of tweaking the "output out=newout pred = predict upper = LCL lower = UCL;" command line to get the equal-tail intervals.
With the MCM procedure the "output" command was not recognized.
Any command in R?