I'm performing the viability Live/Dead assay on Microtissue (high cell density of cells - 250,000 cells/ mm3) using Calcein Am and Propidium Iodide and imaging them using a confocal microscope (488nm Exaltation Laser). I intend to finally count the number of live and dead cells using Imagej.

Now, thought the experiment works perfectly well for cells on a glass slide, they won't work too well with the microtissue (Using a z- stack with 2um steps). The green channel cells show (99%) cells to be green. The red channel (Propidium Iodide) shows (100%) cells to be dead. Though you should just be able to 1% of the dead cells in the red channel. (Picture attached)

How can I prevent all the cells from emitting fluorescence in the red channel? Am I using a high concentration of dyes? Or is it just hard to image cells in 3D culture?

Is there any other assay for cell viability?

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