I want to avoid using Li metal directly. Is it possible to use any other reference electrode and then reference it back to Li ? If yes, can you provide an example to do that?
CV is a method that typically provides answers about only one electrode (WORK) in a specific electrolyte. Use a Pt wire as AUX and carefully select a REF compatible with your electrolyte.
A lot of people may confirm here that the electrochemical process at AUX during a CV is commonly ignored (e.g., the potential evolution) .
Have you really the intention to use a 3 electrodes cell for your CV?
But I dont exactly understand what you mean to convey by telling potential evolution.
In CV, we measure the process at WE while controlling the parameters via the RE and the CE. And my question here is that, if it is possible to refer back my CV to Li in case I use some other reference, as in this case you suggested Pt wire. If so, can you provide me with the appropriate maths behind it?
Note: potential evolution= the potential variation during CV.
For my part I don't understand why you label Li as reference.
I repeat: A recorded CV has nothing to do with the redox process at AUX.
If you have CV defined potentials for the anode and cathode, you may add them. But if you study current, capacity the situation is different. You have to consider a complete cell.
I label Li as reference because I want to use the polymeric material in Li ion batteries. Hence, I want to have an idea about the potential range with respect to Li till which the the polymer is stable as it will affect the overall performance of the cell.