02 February 2015 12 825 Report

I am trying to determine antibody concentration of immunized mice by incubating transfected HEK cells with mice sera. As I have many samples, it should be established in a 96 well plate. I detach the cells by incubating them with EDTA and resuspend with PBS. Then, cells are centrifuged (1000 rpm, 5 min) and the pellet is resuspended in FACS-Buffer (1% FCS, 0,1% NaN3 in 1xPBS). Afterwards, I transfer 20 µL into 80 µL FC-Block-solution in FACS-Buffer (Probably, I can omit the FC-Block for HEK cells) in each well of a 96-well-U-bottom cell culture plate (polystyrene). Then I add, the sera, incubate, centrifuge at 1700 rpm, 5 min and discard the supernatant by performing a gentle but firm swing with plate up-side-down into a sink. Then I resuspend with 200 µL PBS let it sit for 5min and centrifuge, discard, incubate with 2nd AB, centrifuge, PBS, discard and resuspend in 200 µL FACS-Buffer. At the end, there are only a few cells left. And as the transfection rate is also quite low (

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