I'm having difficulties obtaining measurements of zeta potential under physiologically relevant conditions.  I'm using a Malvern ZetaSizer Nano ZS90 and zeta dip cell with all measurements made in triplicate.  The software is set to select the optimal voltage automatically.  I'm working with two types of polymeric nanoparticles, one with a neutral charge (between 0-10 mV) when suspended in mega pure water, and the other with a strongly negative charge (-30 mV) in mega pure water.  If I suspend the nanoparticles in phosphate buffered saline, the resulting zeta potential measurements for both types of nanoparticles are the same as that obtained when I measure phosphate buffered saline alone (-4 to 0 mV), and the phase plot is all over the place.  Also, the electrodes turn black, and turn the nanoparticle suspension a brownish-black color, during the 2nd or 3rd measurement (when this happens on the 2nd measurement, the 3rd measurement changes drastically to around -40 mV).  I get a similar discoloration and drastic shift in the 3rd measurement when I use 1 mM or 10 mM NaCl instead of PBS (but not with water). The dip cell is thoroughly cleaned before taking any measurements.  Can someone please help me understand what is happening?  Any input is greatly appreciated, and thank you for your time.  

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