12 December 2015 11 8K Report

Dear everyone,

I want to use my extended XYZ files generated by OVITO to get the data-relationship of my interest.

These files look like:


Lattice="     81.44899750       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000      81.57330322       0.00000000       0.00000000       0.00000000     179.52000427" Properties=id:I:1:species:S:1:pos:R:3:Occupancy:I:1

33349 Type_1 -0.151932 -39.1362991 87.8544007 2

6491 Type_1 -2.01495 -37.0219994 92.0175018 2

33661 Type_1 -0.233858 -40.2531014 90.1147003 0

55309 Type_1 0.0 -40.7999993 89.7600022 0

This fragment represents one frame in the whole simulation and will repeat 100 to 200 times with variable length, which is due to the numbers of atoms selected and outputted at each frame are different.

There are two things I want to do:

1. If there are 100 frames, I want to calculate the sum of different ‘Occupancy’ number at each frame, which means I want to know, how many ‘0’s or ‘1’s or ‘2’s and so on, are there at each frame. The value of property ‘Occupancy’ is at the last column of the XYZ file.

2. Furthermore, I want to sort the results by some expression such as PositionX=5, which mean I want to know how many ‘0’s in a selected region or at a particular position.

I am relative new to Molecular Dynamics Simulation, and I am lack of knowledge of post-analysis. Could anybody give me some help on the basic idea of doing this? Or any suggestions on which programming language is more suitable?

Any help would be much appreciated!

With My Best Regards


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