09 September 2013 1 1K Report

I am trying to model a Micropipette Aspiration experiment, which is in fact creeping of a portion of a hyperelastic thin wall spherical membrane into a rigid pipette as a result of applying negative pressure (suction) through the pipette.

I obtained the equibiaxial data from my experiments and accordingly defined the test data in the Material properties section in ABAQUS. The problem is although in reality (experiment), there is up to 50 % nominal areal strain (in the portion of sphere which is sucked into the pipette), my FE model in abaqus/standard (quasi-static solution) would be aborted after experiencing 7% areal strain with unknown errors and warnings such as

I have used almost all possible hyperelastic models in my FE analysis (to find which is the best fit) but they didn’t work out and they all got aborted in the same point of running. Also, I have tried different contact conditions and considering different steps of solution but they didn’t work for me so far.

Does anybody think that I should write any subroutine (UMAT,…) to sort this problem out? If yes, which one? Given that I am new in using ABAQUS, I would be grateful if anybody could kindly send me any file/tutorial in this regard or point me to the correct direction.

For your further consideration, I have also attached a figure of the experiment I am trying to simulate.

Any guide or suggestion would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.


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