Hi everyone,

I have acquired a tile-scan (5x5) with fluorescent proteins, and my goal is to analyze the total fluorescence of these particles. Unfortunately, the background is also fluorescent and not in an even matter. This makes it difficult to subtract the background and thus measure the integrated density of the particles. My question is: should I eliminate the background per tile or as a stitched image? If so, how do I make sure I can still calcultate the intensity of the whole image? I have multiple images per groups; ideally I want to compare the integrated densities between these groups.

Below is a stitched tile-scan of one of my groups. So far I've converted them into an 8-bit image and set the threshold to an amount where the background would not show up (and the particles would), but I'm not sure if this would result in a correct IntDen afterwards.

Thank you kindly in advance!

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