Hello all,

I have attached an image in which I would like to know the IntDen and/or the amount of protein particles. The wells are custom made, thus looking slightly warped sometimes. So far my method has been:

1. Open tile scan in ImageJ (Leica software has stitched them together)

2. Remove red from green channel (green channel are the proteins of interest, red would show up as autofluorescent debris)

3. Duplicate image

(3a. Apply rolling ball radius-method: 10 pixels)

4. Invert duplicated image

5. Apply thresholding to duplicated image (manually as Auto doesn't pick up the particles)

6. Redirect values to original image via Set Measurements

7. Analyze Particles-plug in on duplicated image to measure IntDen, Total Area and Number of particles of the original image.

My problems are:

1. The background is uneven > subtract background via rolling ball radius does not do well in combination with threholding afterwards

2. Proteins are small and similar to background intensity > get lost during thresholding

I have searched this site for many methods to remove background, and you have helped me a lot so far. If you were to analyze this image, are there any additional steps? Or should we take some loss of information for granted for now? I know great images make great results, but I'm afraid we cannot change the set up for now. Thanks in advance!

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