I have tried so far Sc chromosome plugs from Biorad (170-3605), Lonza (50411), and home made from spheroblasts.
In all cases, most of the fluorescent signal after staining with gel green of Easy Vision remains in the well (in the plug insert) and does not migrate in the agarose gel.
The best I get is a smear from a small fraction of the DNA but no clear bands. This is not due to overload as smaller plug inserts only lead to less fluorescence.
Other gDNA, fragmented mechanically or partially digested, migrates perfectly and fully in the same gel but due to the lack of Sc chromosome ladder, I cannot define the length of my gDNA smears (the aim of the exercise).
The reported working Sc ladder from NEB (N0345S) was discontinued and I find no alternative to identify sizes above 100-200k.
Melting the Sc insert before loading the mix on the gel 'kind of' helps but is hard due to viscosity and leading to blurred image. The chromosomes are clearly trapped in the agarose.
Help would be very welcome as the different providers have no solution (& I do not have Biorad CHEF to compare to).