I have been trying to get a good band for a while. I am using the Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix (Thermo Fisher) and my DNA sample is from a mice tail.

I am using a TRPM8 Primer (This is the 3rd primer that I am trying):

- Forward 5' to 3': GGT CAT GTT CAC GGC TCT CA

- Reverse 5' to 3': TTA GAT GCC CCA GTC CAC AC

I did the gradient test for the primers and I chose 64.4C. After setting that temperature I ran a new PCR (Fig.1), before preparing the PCR samples I always checked the amount of DNA, and for 20ul of reaction I used 2.5ul of my DNA sample solution. I got a band but it does not look big enough. So, I tried again (Fig. 2) and this time I used a gel at 2% and increased the annealing cycles to 45 (usually I set up at 40 cycles), for this DNA sample solution I used 2ul for 20ul of reaction.

What can I do? I am planning to use my PCR product for Sanger sequencing.

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