From the UCSC Genome BRowser, first link at left column.
Then you can look at an specific chtromosome and band , and visually browse the number of nucleotides of the entire band moving the red-mark from left to right or viscv.
1. Go to the UCSC Genome browser:
2. Mouse over "Tools" and select "Table Browser"
3. In the table browser window, set the following parameters: clade = mammal, genome = human, assembly = hg38 (or other), group = Mapping and Sequencing, track = Chromosome Band, table = cytoBand, position = chr1 (or whatever chromosome you are interested in), output format = all fields from selected table, file type returned = plain text
4. Click [get output]
The results will show the following 5 columns: chromosome number, cytoband start position, end position, cytoband name, and staining result.