I'm working on adsorption of hydrogen on carbon and I want to optimize the entire structure, except for one cartesian coordinate (z of H atom).

I've tried with the input file:


#p HF/sto-3g IOp(5/13=1) opt=ModRedundant


0 2

C 0 0.66323384 -0.61906673 1.33878472

C 0 1.42188029 0.61932069 1.33857966

C 0 1.42220944 -0.61917221 -1.33858523

C 0 0.66368585 0.61918818 -1.33864467

C 0 -0.66323277 0.61906367 -1.33876173

C 0 -1.42188021 -0.61932476 -1.33855567

C 0 -1.42220836 0.61916915 1.33861122

C 0 -0.66368578 -0.61919125 1.33866966

C 0 -0.76945414 1.86712664 0.80414218

C 0 0.76947856 1.86713781 0.80451949

C 0 0.76945422 -1.86712972 -0.80411519

C 0 -0.76947849 -1.86714088 -0.80449350

H 0 xh yh zh

Tv 0 4.17082252 0.00000000 0.00000000

Tv 0 2.08566380 3.73433495 0.00000000

xh 1.42188 A

yh 0.619322 A

zh 2.838567 F

The program works for a time but then throws an error: 

Error in old z-matrix.

Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/gaussian-2009-D.01_intel_sse4.2/g09/l9999.exe

Does anybody have any solutions to this problem, or another way to fix only one cartesian coordinate?

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