Does anyone have experience in deploying the WIndows HPC private cluster, or executing an Abaqus job on two computers without queuing server using MPI Parallelisation?

I have managed to set-up the Cluster and to join the headnode running on Windows Server 2012 R2 and one compute node "W510" running on Windows 7 64bit Ultimate.

Unfortunately I keep getting the following error massage:

Failed to execute "hostname" on host "w510". Please verify that you can execute commands remotely on "w510" without a password. Command used: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec.exe -wdir C:\Windows -hosts 1 w510 1 -env PATH C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\6.13-4\code\bin;C:\Windows\system32 C:\SIMULIA\Abaqus\6.13-4\code\bin\dmpCT_rsh.exe hostname". 

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