Hello! I'm trying to create cell lines of HepG2 with separate knock-outs of mirna 101, 93, 30. I need to separately lower the level of mature miR 101, 93 and 30 in my cells. For this purpose I use CRISPR-Cas system utilising CRISPRMAX, TrueCut HiFi Cas9 protein and gRNAs. After transfection I conduct PCR from these genes and then cut these fragments with mismatch endonuclease I by BioLabs. I supposed to get smaller fragments after restriction, however I get only larger fragments in my agarose gel (they are above fragments on which restriction wasn't performed) . Does it mean that my transfection is unsuccessful? And how can I improve the result of my transfection? Last time I plated cells only the day before conducting the transfection and the cell density was approximately 40-50%.