Hi everyone,

I have the following situation: Let T be a two-dimensional manifold in R^3 (in particular I am working with spherical triangles on the unit sphere) and C = conv(T) be its convex hull (in the spherical triangle case this is just the union of the spherical triangle and its flat triangle, i.e. the standard triangle spanned by the vertices A,B and C that also define the spherical triangle, plus the parts of the planes E_1 = {lambda*A+mu*B}, E_2 = {lambda*A+mu*C}, E_3 = {lambda*B+mu*C} which are between the line segment AB (AC, BC, respectively) and the corresponding circular arc through AB).

Now I am searching for a function which is nonnegative in this convex hull, has a maximum at the center of mass of T, i.e. at int_T (x,y,z) dx dy dz / |T| which is inside of C and is zero on the boundary of the convex hull.

An example of this is the octant spanned by A = (1,0,0), B = (0,1,0) and C = (0,0,1). Then, the center of mass is given by (0.5,0.5,0.5) and a function that satisfies the above constraints is

f(x,y,z) = x*y*z*(x+y+z-1)*(1-x^2-y^2-z^2).

Unfortunately, the structure dot(n1,X)*dot(n2,X)*dot(n3,X)*(dot(n4,X)-dot(n4,A))*(1-x^2-y^2-z^2) (where X = (x,y,z) and n_i are the normals of the planes E_i and n_4 is the normal of the plane through the flat triangle) does not have a maximum at the center of mass (although it had in the above example).

Any suggestions how to fix this?

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