I am looking for a way to quantify "visual capacity".

In our paper (http://www.frontiersin.org/psychopathology/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00352/abstract), we define visual capacity as a conglomeration of the following visual skills:

visual acuity, visual sensitivity to light (contrast sensitivity), motion sensitivity, color sensitivity, visual field size, binocularity & stereoscopic vision?

My questions concerning this matter are:

1) Is this an exhaustive list - probably not - but what is missing?

2) How can one effectively (fast, easy, cheap) measure the following constructs in a given individual:

2a) visual acuity?

2b) visual sensitivity to light (contrast sensitivity)?

2c) motion sensitivity?

2d) color sensitivity?

2e) visual field size?

2f) binocularity?

2g) stereoscopic vision?

3) Is there already some research on what constitutes "very good vision"?

Thank you for your support!

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