Recently, I have been investigating of expression of Sall-4 in two different types cancers. Due to of acceptable melting peak of Beta Actin(and Cq=17), I am sure the quality of cDNA is pretty good.
If possible try to change the primer set and check the Rt-pcr with these primers only, without adding cDNA and check CT values whether it is giving low ct value because of primer dimers or not.
Pre-amplify the targets. Optimize the reaction (using different Taq polymerase preparations and different sets of primers). Perform the RT-PCR / RT-qPCR. A quick way is to check for primer-dimers is to perform gel electrophoresis for the amplified products to visualize the bands. If primer-dimers are present, they will usually appear as a band below the 50 base pair regions.
First thing you may try is to start with higher concentration of template RNA (1-2 ug of total RNA) for cDNA synthesis (please make sure you use appropriate kit for this quantity of template). As per my understanding, you should get Ct value of ~30 even if you start with single template copy and using SYBR, if primers are specific, you could see dimer only >35 cycles.
Alternatively, you may consider using more sensitive TaqMan / Molecular Beacon methods.
Fisrtly, you must avoid primer dimers in yor qPCR. I recommend to redesign the primers using a tool like Beacon Designer from Premier Biosoft (there is a free online tool here
If your target is expressed at a very low level you can try to make cDNA synthesis with a high-efficiency reverse transcriptase, like the Superscript IV (invitrogen).