Hi all,
I have a compound with a particular functional group surrounded by water molecules. I am using Gaussian G09 to optimise, first with HF/6-31+g** and then I will progressively move higher per stable structure. Unfortunately, of the twenty different model arrangements (4 functional groups I am interested in and 8, 10, 12, 14, 16) water molecules neighbouring) only three of the twenty ran successfully. The others suffered from the following error (atom numbers will have been different obviously):
Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Bend failed for angle 39 - 70 - 68
Tors failed for dihedral 15 - 39 - 70 - 68
Tors failed for dihedral 51 - 39 - 70 - 68
Tors failed for dihedral 69 - 68 - 70 - 39
FormBX had a problem.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09_d01/l103.exe at Tue Mar 24 10:12:24 2015.
When I investigate this further, the first failure (Bend on the angle 39, 70, 68) is an angle between the oxygen and hydrogen of a water, followed by the hydrogen of a hydroxyl group. It turns out to be exactly 180 degrees. I understand the optimisation algorithm in gaussian struggles with inline angle.
Surely, restarting with a different arrangement to the water molecules isn't the best or only solution? Any tips or suggestions are very grateful.