I have calculated the percentages of secondary structure elements from the CD data of my protein of interest using CDSSTR program of Dichroweb online server. This program gave an output as percentages of regular helix, distorted helix, regular sheets, distorted sheets, turns and unordered structures. Now I want to compare this results with percentage secondary structures of the crystal structure of the same protein available in pdb.
I tried with 2Struc: The secondary structure server, which has a protocol to calculate the secondary structure percentages of the pdb structures using various algorithms like DSSP, DSSP cont, Stride, PSEA, PALSEE, Sticks, XTLSSTR and KAKSI. However, i am not sure that the algorithm followed by these programs is same as that of CDSSTR which is used for analysing CD data. Which program will be a good choice out of these?
Unlike CDSSTR, these programs give the output as helix, sheets and other structures.
If this is case, from the output of CDSSTR can I sum the regular and distorted helix as total helical content, regular and distorted sheets as total sheet content, and turns and unordered as other structures and compare the results with the output of DSSP? Is that right way to do and compare with the results. Can anyone give me a right and better solution?