Generally the gas sensing response has been calculated through sensitivity formula,
S=(A-B)/B, where A is a change in resistance in air ambience,B is a change in resistance in exposed for that the calculated sensitivity results were plotted at y-axis and corresponding temperature were plotted at x-axis.
gas sensor response needs to be measured with a automatic logging meter which can record the changing values of the resistance of the gas sensor with time.
Lets say your sensor gives a maximum responsivity at a temperature of 250 deg c.
Then set this temperature, and have a valve in your chamber which inlets the gas to be detected. This is gas ON condition Now start measuring the changes in resistnce with time, Then suddenly witch off, or close the vale (Gas off condition). Keep monitoring the changes in the resistance of your sensor, it showld now recover back to the same resistance value, which it had when the gas was not present.
The two paper I have cited in my previous mail, clearly explain how the gas response speed and recovery were measured with a very simple auto logging multimeter, purchae for about Rs 10,000 in the local Delhi market.\Nowadays you have more sophisticated meters.
I hope your problem has been solved now, but for your information, mostly for a n-type sensing material in a reducing gas, the gas response is calculated as the ratio of the resistance of the sensor in air to the resistance in the gas (response = Ra/Rg) while in an oxidizing gas, it is Rg/Ra. You can use the values of current and conductance as well instead of resistance depending on your sensing system and the values of Ra and Rg can be easily measured by sensing or response curve.
I have a follow up question. Why most of the literature on MOS gas sensors use S=Rg/Ra or Ra/Rg to calculate response whereas 2D materials based sensor uses response%=(Ig-Ia/Ia) instead of response. The use of response % is more logical to me than response. Please leave your opinion to make it more clear. Thank you.
The sensors including the gas sensor converts a nonelectrical property x to an electrical property y. So, the response of the sensor is y=f(x). For the gas sensor for example the gas concentration N=x and the y= R the resistance of the sensor.
So the response of the sensor is R= f(N). There are factors which affects such response such as the type of the gas and the temperature. So, the response must be determined at a given temperature and gas type.
You can plot R as a function of temperature T for the same gas type and concentration.
But when you measure the response of the sensor to the as a gas sensor you must keep T=consatnt and the type of the gas.