even though having values of h,k,l and a,c values; I am unable to calculate exact value of theta for elements having that structure. It would be a great help if anyone can tell how to do calculations for the same manually. (space group : P63/mmc)
There are a lot of free programs available. One is PowderCell which enables the input of lattice parameters, space groups number and after closing the editor the POSITIONS of peaks can be calculated. For the correct intensities you need to know the structure. I guess you are asking for hcp metals. The trick is that for these metals the atom position is not 0,0,0 as many people assume, but 1/3, 2/3, 1/3. Then you only need to enter the lattice parameters for each of the metals and define the periodic number.
If you cannot calculate theta value, I think the problem is to calculate plane spacing d. Please try the formula 1/d2 = 4(h2 + hk+ k2)/3/a2 + l2/c2, see attachment for derivation.
you may check your theta result with PowderCell, http://www.ccp14.ac.uk/ccp/web-mirrors/powdcell/a_v/v_1/powder/e_cell.html
In my work for Cd, Co and Zn based hcp-ccp binary solid solution, the same can be correlated by simulating the 2 theta based on hkil as well as d-spacing,using self designed crystal hack program.