30 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Adhidesh Kumawat
I have read that to know the composition of different phases in a ternary phase diagram of metals A,B,C (at a particular temp. T), we can apply lever rule along the tie line. But, I am not sure...
01 January 2018 7,179 9 View
I want to reduce NaBO2 to NaBH4 on a catalyst (electrode). Kindly provide me suggestions of how can I confirm that the reduction of NaBO2 to NaBH4 is taking place or not?
12 December 2017 2,368 7 View
Since, I am pretty sure that no other gaseous product could be formed in the conditions of my experiment except hydrogen, so I am pretty sure that I am able to produce hydrogen (by water...
12 December 2017 6,949 3 View
I want to know about the reason leading to a particular composition of a metal mixture to form a eutectic alloy. I know that Gibbs free energy plays a very role and I can figure out the...
12 December 2017 6,373 4 View
The material or compound could be in solution from where it could be electro-deposited onto a second surface but the deposited layer of material from solution becomes non-conducting after deposition.
11 November 2017 2,045 4 View
Randles - Sevick equation provides an area value of the working electrode. Is this area the true electroactive surface area of the working electrode or there are some condition-boundations to the...
10 October 2017 7,304 3 View
My enquiry is about any chemical/electrochemical species maybe ions or gas, etc. that adsorbs on Pb surface exposed to that species.
09 September 2017 2,104 8 View
Various methods as finding capacitance have already been discussed in some papers but it seems that reliable figures and data is not available. BET is out of question as metal catalyst is carbon...
09 September 2017 9,061 4 View
I want to roll or convert bismuth pieces into thin sheets of bismuth. Is there any way by which i can do that as bismuth is relatively brittle and breaks easily while rolling in a rolling mill or...
02 February 2017 3,249 2 View
Stannic chloride pentahydrate being a hygroscopic compound absorbs moisture from surroundings and the bottle which was almost half unused has become hydrated now and is in liquid plus some...
01 January 2017 1,044 3 View
Could stable metal oxides (Lead oxide, PbO) at STP when undergone high vacuum pressure, be reduced to metal ?
12 December 2016 8,148 10 View
Gas Diffusion Electrode (GDE) works on the principle of meeting of 3 phases at a single point with gas moving to liquid. Does this process strictly states that gas should move to liquid only...
02 February 2016 8,318 2 View
even though having values of h,k,l and a,c values; I am unable to calculate exact value of theta for elements having that structure. It would be a great help if anyone can tell how to do...
12 December 2015 8,901 6 View
I have nanoparticles of metal A and metal B. Also of their mixture of composition that they are in homogeneous phase according to their combined phase diagram. How will the three graphs of XRD...
06 June 2015 4,143 7 View
Will C18 column be sufficient enough for the task or some other column is even better. Thanks for suggestions.
04 April 2015 2,868 5 View
just like we have to adjust RHE by factor of -RT/nF*pH, do we need to adjust all other ref. electrodes too??
02 February 2015 7,606 2 View
The purpose of the catalyst film is to be prepared on a base and then after complete preparation, to be transferred on to an another base for the final use. Since, i am able to prepare catalyst...
01 January 2015 933 1 View
..alloy are to be prepared, of having desired electrochemical properties.
10 October 2014 8,542 0 View
As soon as NaBH4 is used to reduce Pb2+, within a minute it dissolves back into the solution.
10 October 2014 4,678 2 View
I am trying to make Lead alloys for using lead as an electrocatalyst for reduction reactions.
09 September 2014 4,640 8 View
I have read that it depends only on pH of the solution at some place and at other place i have read that it depends on both the solution and the solvent. This created confusion..
09 September 2014 5,230 3 View
A process was carried on with Hg/HgO as a reference and with a continuous passage of CO2, and the CV was recorded before and after passage of CO2 (pH changes from 13 to 8). Also, in both the cases...
07 July 2014 9,202 11 View
with high purity and stability, as displacement reaction route made highly instable particles.
07 July 2014 1,997 2 View
CO2 was beong passed through 1 M NaOH solution that might have changed its pH, that will cause the potential applied to it to vary, that is what i need to account.
06 June 2014 8,706 0 View
0.1 N concentration solution of both was taken, with HCl as titrant abd HPh as indicator. After reaching the endpoint of colourless condition, the colour reappears after continous shaking for 5...
05 May 2014 1,468 2 View
Which factors to look for while deciding and analysing the same.
05 May 2014 6,921 3 View
A formate ion of some concentration is present in initially known concentration of naOH
05 May 2014 3,300 1 View
Using potentiometer and its techniques.
05 May 2014 7,114 3 View
I want to make pure catalyst film without adding any additives. Is it possible to do this?
05 May 2014 2,006 5 View
I have used a titanium counter in basic solutions of 1M NaOH.
04 April 2014 2,940 0 View