Christian is right to say that it's not that easy... but I would go further and say it's actually very difficult indeed! Thermo-mechanical modelling of FSW is an extremely complex problem. You have interacting thermal, mechanical and material processes (phase transformation) happening at once. If you don't already have extensive characterisation of the materials and welding process involved, then you will not get an accurate answer via FEA. If you do have all this data, then using it to create and validate a model of this type is still a project of several months' duration if you don't already have experience in this field.
The question was: "How can I calculate heat-affected zone, thermomechanical-affected zone in friction stir welding of aluminum?". By far the simplest and most accurate way to do this is to just do the weld and then perform metallographic analysis.
It would be necessary to do both modeling and some experiments if one needs to calculate HAZ geometry for various welding conditions. Models must be validated with data so that the calculations are reliable. Comprehensive modeling of temperature and velocity fields, traverse force, torque and other parameters are available in the literature and reading them is a good starting point.
I agree with Mr. Debroy and if physically you want to measure only the zone area use the macrographs, measure with the help of s/w and metallographic analysis and next you seek into modeling and validate them which is very difficult.
Thank you very much for this discussion, I have many questions related to friction stir welding. especially complex material flow during the process. we did many experiments but after each weld, microstructure confuses us. as of now we are working on FSW of Aluminium 6061 and 7075. our approach is experimental till date. we are also working on FSW of Cu to SS, part of my Ph.D. Thesis. we are in a process to explore literature. thank you, Mr Christian,, Dr, T. Debroy, Dr. Harry, Barla Madhvi
Hi Joshi, nice to hear that you are a Doctoral Scholar working on FSW. Like to add few inputs for your understanding. From your experiments, you can measure the size and shape of the SZ, TMAZ and HAZ using the microscope, after cutting, polishing and etching the welded sample. Hope, you have done this. Coming to the prediction of the zones and their geometry (size and shape), you can use the predicted temperature data to plot the zones. I mean, as a thumb rule you can take recrystallization temperature (0.5*Tm) and solidus temperature (0.8*Tm) as the interfaces b/w HAZ and TMAZ and temperatures above solidus can be considered as part of SZ.
Now, comes the question whether the predicted temperatures are the result of only thermal effects which is quite easy and can be done and/or the effect of therm-mechanical effects which is quite difficult as the available softwares are not that robust to model the combined effects, besides the scarcity on precise input data to be used in the modelling and simulations. To be precise, we are currently at this stage and nothing much has been done towards accounting for the thermo-mechanical-metallurgical effects, as it can't be done using the commercial softwares and it must be done through in-house codes only, at least in the near future.
Like to hear and read if any literature is available on the combined effects of thermal, mechanical and metallurgical phenomena in a coupled manner. Without this, there is no way one can compare and say that the match b/w measured and predicted data is excellent, even in terms of temperatures. The zone shape and size is just the results of predicted temperatures and need to know the interface temperatures through phase diagrams, to be precise.
Thanks everyone for the inputs/comments given on Joshi's query and to encourage young researcher to explore further on this very important and unique joining technique, which is widely used across the industries.
Diogo Mariano Neto & Pedro Neto, Numerical modeling of friction stir welding process: a literature review, Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2013) 65:115–126, DOI 10.1007/s00170-012-4154-8
R.S. Mishra, Z.Y. Ma, ‘Friction stir welding and processing’, Materials Science and Engineering R 50 (2005) 1–78
R. Nandan, T. DebRoy , H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia, ‘Recent advances in friction-stir welding – Process, weldment structure and properties’, Progress in Materials Science 53 (2008) 980–1023
check it out, I found them useful and hope it resolves ur queries too.