Dear researchers,

I have data which is quiet complicated for me to analyze. I need an advice which statistical analysis I should use.

In my experiment, participants performed a working memory task in 3 different difficulty with 3 different stimulus type. Also half of the participants completed color version 1st and the other half completed color version 2nd.

Finally, I also measured their eating behavior with a scale. So I have 1 score for evey participants. First I wanted to use median split method to create dichotomous variable (such as high or low eaters) to make anaylsis easier for me but I figured out that it not the best method to use.

So my question is: which statistical analysis I should use?

My data is 3 x 3 x 2 and scale scores

3: task difficulty (within)

3: stimulus type (within)

2: color type (between)

Scale scores

Thanks in advance,


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