just try to slightly change the volume of acid or EDTA according to the variation in PH from the required one, if your PH comes out to be less thn 8.0,simply increase concentration of the ACID, if The case is reverse then try to increase the conceentration of EDTA and keep on checking the PH by using PH strip, hope so it will help you in sorting out PH adjustment issue of the buffer.
change the volume of acid or EDTA according to the variation in PH from the required one, if your PH comes out to be less thn 8.0,simply increase concentration of the ACID, if The case is reverse then try to increase the conceentration of EDTA and keep on checking the PH by using PH strip,
How can i adjust 8.0 PH of DNA Extraction buffer (which recipie following, 7.45g KCl, 10ml 1M Tris-HCl, 2ml of 0.5 EDTA & added d.H2O upto 100ml)? - ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/post/How_can_i_adjust_80_PH_of_DNA_Extraction_buffer_which_recipie_following_745g_KCl_10ml_1M_Tris-HCl_2ml_of_05_EDTA_added_dH2O_upto_100ml#view=584569b740485458034b3c31 [accessed Dec 6, 2016].