Wage stagnation in Australia despite a reasonably high jobs growth - some very good/real analysis/reasons! High population growth, mainly through migration High number of temporary visa holders/workers including students Misconceived "trickle-down economics" theory On the first two reasons - The primary focus of migrant workers and temporary visa holders is to find some sort of employment, not about the size of the pay packet. Further, in comparison, their expectations are lower as well (in trying to adjust and survive). These facts are contributing to lower wage growth.


One culprit of wage growth stagnation/or low wage growth in Australia - chronically underpaid migrant workers. Possibly true for other similar economies.


A new and apparently widely used business model - Blackmailing. It may appear superficially that it affects only the exploited migrant workers. But if you dive deep, it affects the broader economy of the country. This is another proof of what Leonardo da Vinci famously said "Everything is Connected to Everything Else" "Bringing people into the country, paying them below minimum wage, is not a recipe for economic success."


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