I will give you my own perspective on Lean Six Sigma. This methodology is something that I teach medical residents and students. We conduct about 10-12 projects throughout the year. Over the years, we've used LSS to reduce medication reconciliation errors, optimize discharge process paperwork, reduce inpatient falls, and many other challenges.
The reason I prefer LSS is because it is robust enough to address most of the problems we encounter in healthcare. There are many tools and techniques that we utilize throughout the DMAIC cycle, which can help guide use through the project. Also, we start with a thorough understanding of the problem and analysis of the process before we even begin to explore potential solutions. In addition, once we have formulated a solution, we can pilot it and learn from the results. Finally, we end on finding the most sustainable solution to monitor and follow-up with periodically. As the DMAIC is a cycle, we are constantly evaluating outcomes and if warranted, working through the steps to tackle a different problem.
Certainly there are other methods out there, but as a quality practitioner, I want something that is systematic and data-driven. I will also mention that your results are only as good as the one that is facilitating your LSS journey. There are a lot of people out there that claim they are "certified", but most of the training is a little flaky. There are only a few reputable organizations out there.
If I can point out that yes, LSS is a tried and tested system for improving so many different aspects of a business i.e. quality, waste and defect minimization, etc. However, a system such as LSS is only as good as the people implementing and operating it. So to achieve success with implementing LSS into your operations, the focus should predominantly be on staffing, training, and establishing a company culture based on the principles of LSS, which is probably a whole area of study by itself.
Dear M. M. Noor
I do not understand the reason for your question if you say you have more than 20 on LSS.
Six Sigma is a methodology used to improve the quality management of current processes, products or services by discovering and eliminating defects. The goal in any Six Sigma project is to identify and eliminate any defects that are causing variations in quality by defining a sequence of steps around a certain target that is DMAIC/DMADV.
Six Sigma improve the process, product and service by following the step of DMAIC or DMADV. DMAIC is a sequence of step need to be follow that is start with Defining the problem, customer needs and project requirements. Next, we need to Measure the performance of current process and collect data to determine defects and gather metrics. Analysing the process is the next step in order to identify the root cause of the variation and defect. After that, the process will be Improve by eliminating the root cause. Lastly, the new process will the Controlled to avoid any variation that has been eliminate reoccurred.
For a problem that involves design process, DMADV will be used by first to Define the goals that satisfied customer needs and business strategy. After that Measure should be taken to identify customer’s critical to quality (CTQ) and translate into clear project. Then, we need to Analyse options and alternatives for customer along with estimated life cycle of the project. After that, Design the process and make the prototype to identify error and for modification. Lastly, the final iteration of product process should be Verify by customer client.
By following this method of six sigma technique, the process, product and service can achieve the high quality that every company aimed for.
Six sigma are frequently used by companies to maintain their high quality in management because by using Six Sigma techniques, employees are able to identify problem areas as well as recurring issues that affect the overall quality expectation of a service or product from a customer's viewpoint. Six Sigma also improves higher quality improvement techniques such as Total Quality Management (TQM). Having Six sigma implement in the company give a great effect in improvising the management quality.
M.M. Noor
DMAIC– Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control is a structured method to plan a project in advance, and a logical series of steps with repeated application that help catch and correct aberrations quickly. The reason of DMAIC being used are to maximize Strategic Reserve Time which known as the amount of time left over when all our professional commitments have been met.
Define is the first thing to begin with in a system where we need to define the problem, define about the objective, the solution and what can be improvise for the system given. Next is to Measure the current levels of performance and quantity parameters of the system. Analyze the system by examine the current process, extract and compile the data and arrive at the root cause of problem to determine defective steps in the process. Improve process performance by determine appropriate solution of scenario by eliminating these root causes of variance and lastly is Control the process by ensure the solution is implemented and no deviations from standard occur.
The application of DMADV - Define, Measure, Analyze, Design,Verify is used when a client or customer requires product improvement, adjustment, or the creation of an entirely new product or service. The reason of these methods being used is to create a high-quality product keeping in mind customer requirements at every stage of the game.
Define is when project leaders identify wants and needs through the historical information, customer feedback, and other information sources that considered most important to customers. Measure is the process that use to defined metrics to collect data and record specifications in a way that can be utilized to help drive the rest of the process.Analyze is when the result of the manufacturing process (i.e. finished product or service) is tested by internal teams to create a baseline for improvement. Design is fourth part when the results of internal tests are compared with customer wants and needs and any additional adjustments needed are made.Verify is the last stage in the methodology is continuous. While the product or service is being released and customer reviews are coming in, the processes may be adjusted.
From my point of view, in order to create measurable metrics for new process, DMADV ( Define Measure Analyze Design Verify) is needed while for processes where issues have to be solved in predefined metrics, DMAIC ( Define Measure Analyze Improve Control) is used.There are certain questions to be addressed under each step and certain tools and techniques can be utilized to answer those questions through facts and data.They are a proven road map for any process,product or services design and improvement phase that offer a structured approach to solve problems ,improving results by DMAIC and implement new design by DMAIV which businesses frequently rely on both of them to produce high quality with minimal defects while meeting the expectations of customers.Both methodologies are designed to help businesses to be more effective and efficient, they are certainly not interchangeable and are optimized for different process types.
DMAIC is the improvement of system that already exist which with eliminates processes that exterminate unproductive measures, focuses on new measurements and use technology for continually improvement while DMADV is the improvement system to produce new product or processes.
In DMAIC, firstly is defines the process improvement objectives in line with client requirement or demand and business strategy. Secondly is measure the important elements of the current process and collect data. Next, analyze the data to confirm the relationship between the cause and effect. Then determine what kind of relationship it is and try to guarantee that all the variables have been considered. After that, improve or optimize the process based on the data analysis to eliminate the root causes. Lastly, control to guarantee that any target deviations are fixed before lead to defects. Set up pilot runs to set up process capabilities, move on to manufacturing, set up control systems and track the process continuously.
In DMADV, firstly is defines design objectives consistent with customer requirement and business strategy. Secondly, measure and recognize critical to quality features, product capacities, manufacturing process capacities and hazards. Next, analyze to establish and design alternatives, make high level design and assess design capability to choose the best design. After that, design information, do design optimization and design verification planning. Simulations may be required for this stage. Lastly, verify design, set up pilot runs and execute manufacturing process.
With this all step, six-sigma can improve the process, product or services and achieved excellent quality results by improving customer satisfaction, reducing cycle time and reducing defects. This can be explains more which six-sigma driven by customer and therefore seeks to attain maximum customer satisfaction and minimize the defects. It targets the pleasure of customers and new creative and innovative methods to exceed the expectations of customers. Implementing of six-sigma technique results in increased profitability and cost reduction. Six-sigma targets process variation and more focuses on process improvement instead of final results. Compared to other quality technique, six-sigma is potential technique or methodology as it focuses on prevention of defects instead of fixing them.
An enterprise will use Six Sigma methodologies to introduce upgraded procedures and better quality control. This leads to a completed item enhanced. This results in greater fulfillment for the customers. Six Sigma's advantage is how it can lead staff towards a prevalent purpose. It provides politicians with an opportunity to make the signal clear and more rational. Better findings can also generate a feeling of fellowship. It outcomes in stronger outcomes. In the shape of incremental changes to a brand and service, Six Sigma has demonstrated track history of incorporating importance and maintaining high quality of its company. It can also be used to optimize supply chain procedures and to boost fulfillment for customers. The benefits of Six Sigma go beyond simple problem solving and consider, as opposed to the end product alone, the whole production process from the raw materials to the end product.
@Six Sigma is a proactive methodology that recognizes possible issues before any type of failure occurs and makes suggestions for these prospective issues. In several company classifications, Six Sigma may be introduced, immediately affecting profitability and cost reduction. Six Sigma norm is certainly a reliable support to back-to-back clients for the production of products.Six Sigma initiatives contribute to improved precision through the reduce of defects-per-million-occasions (DPMO) throughout the valuation stream. The term "opportunity" implies the possibility to make a mistake. DPMO is a probabilistic metric of a company's mistake frequency or production method capacity. In each chance, this metric requires into consideration both real flaws and the amount of likely failures. The level of the Sigma system is decreasing as DPMO rises. Six projects Sigma assist to evaluate the DPMO and Sigma level basis and goal-process precision. It is a systemic manner of measuring method precision in order to avoid flaws. M.M. Noor
Lean six sigma is a procedure, which provide organizations tools to enhance the capability of the product, process that will give excellent quality result. In this way, the defect that obtained will reduce and raise the performance of the product. So, the good result will obtained.
Furthermore, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) is a systematic method used to improve process to get a better results and it is an integral part of Six Sigma initiative. DMAIC represents the five phases that make up the process, including the tools to use to complete those phases. Through DMAIC, the process and product will improve with incrementally to achieve the good results.
Meanwhile, DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify) is a Six Sigma quality method used to develop new process or products. DMADV puts focus on customers, and making the correct products or procedure effectively the first time. Its goals is to create a high quality product. So, through DMADV high quality process, product or services can obtained by keeping the customer and the customer’s need in mind during every phase of the project.
In conclusion, implementing Six Sigma (DMAIC and DMADV) reduce the risk of an organization having dissatisfied customers and a good process, product or services will achieved.
DMAIC checks in the meantime to improve a business process and to reduce or even eliminate defect. DMAIC improve the process, product and services by using the methodology; define, measure, analyze, improve and control. Define is when the project team better defines the problem that have been given to by leadership. Measure when the project team begins the current baseline performance of the problem. Analyze is when the project team collects and uses data to prove theories of root cause and causes of the problem. Improve is when the project team begins the remedial journey. Control when the project team ensures that gains made during the improve phase are held.
DMADV is particularly useful for the implementing of new strategies and initiatives. DMADV improve the process, product and services by using the methodology; define, measure, analysis, design and verify. Define is about identifying the goal of the process, product or services. Measure is aimed at collecting and recording of data that are relevant to the CTQ. Analysis when team project will analyse and test all the gathered data. Design when the project team lead the product based on customer requirement. Need verify the product to safeguard quality product.
By using this methodology, the business processes become more efficient and effective. In DMAIC process is about to improve and control a businees process while DMADV process is about what customer needs that relates to the services or the product. Also in DMADV can improve the project, additional emphasis also can put on certain component even though the goal remain the same. Can addressing the problem that has been identified and achieve the desired result.
Six Sigma is a smarter and flexible system to manage business for sustaining, achieve operational excellence and maximizing business success. It is a continuous process improvement of services, manufacturing, and suppliers by understanding customer needs. It uses facts, data, and root cause to solve problems, improve customer satisfaction, reduce cycle time and reduce defects. There are two types of Six Sigma models that are used in problem-solving which are DMAIC (define, measure, analyse, improve, control) and DMADV (define, measure, analyse, design verify). DMAIC improve process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes while DMADV uses to develop a new product or process design. The first step in Six Sigma is to identify the goals and outline the target process that are consistent with customer demands. Then, collect data and decide what parameters need to be quantified and analyze it by determine how process inputs affect process outputs. The process is improve based on experimental data and the defects are controlled and corrected. Design phase is the plan for design verification while the verify phase is to check the design and be sure it was set up according to plan. Once six sigma embedded in a company, new problems will be quickly identified and corrected because it has a systematic methodology.
DMAIC and DMADV are two Six Sigma methodologies that eliminate defects from a process or product.
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) methodology is designed for existing process that not meeting customers’ needs or performing adequately.
DMAIC works to aligning the process and understanding customer needs, business objectives and feedback, then Measure the performance of the core business before perform an Analyzing process that determine the root causes of defects and opportunities for process improvement. The implementation plan is implemented at Improve Phase. A standardization and documentation of the new process are includes in Control Phase. It creates a plan to monitor the process and ensure the process performance is in control.
DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify) is used when the existing product or process has been optimized but still does not meet the level of customer specification.
The approach initially follows the first three steps of DMAIC and then deviates in the last two-steps by introducing Design and Validate steps to gain the improvements needed. This prevents problems from happening through quality and design concepts. For Design, it is a process details and optimizing design. For Verify, it is verifying the chosen design for process with pilot-testing.
1) Unknown. March 10th, 2017. DMAIC Approach in Lean Six Sigma. Retrieved from https://www.6sigma.us/six-sigma-articles/dmaic-approach-in-lean-six-sigma/
2) Unknown. March 14th, 2019. Six Sigma: DMADV Methodology. Retrieved from https://www.villanovau.com/resources/six-sigma/six-sigma-methodology-dmadv/
3) A. Graves. June 17th, 2014. Six Sigma Fundamental: DMAIC vs DMADV. Retrieved from https://www.sixsigmadaily.com/six-sigma-basics-dmaic-vs-dmadv/
Six Sigma is tool to improve the quality and profitability by removing cause of defects and variability in manufacturing and business processes. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) is used when organization products or processes don’t meet customer demands or not performing accurately. It defines the goals and client needs considering internal and external forces, measures current processes whether it works or not, analyses current processes and finds out root causes of problems or defects, improves the defects identified, sets up controls that can be implement and used on all processes. DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, Verify) is used when products or processes at organization don't exist. It defines the goals of projects internal and external, measures client's needs and specifications, analyzes how to satisfy the customers, designs process including change management controls, project scopes, human resources, budgets and ways to handle each part of process and verifies whether it works or has defects. Six sigma uses facts, data and root cause to solve problems. It is a statistical measure of process or product performance and measures how the process differs from the aims and improves the process. It is customer focused and its projects produce major returns on investments and management operation.
1. Gupta, N. (2013). An Overview on Six Sigma: Quality Improvement Program. Retrieved October 2, 2019 from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/3643/1c6a5b6cbcbe0269af971b6ae34343698be5.pdf
2. Scheid, J. (n.d.). DMAIC VS DMADV: A Hot Issue in Six Sigma. Retrieved October 2, 2019 from https://www.brighthubpm.com/six-sigma/31004-dmaic-or-dmadv-which-is-better/
Six Sigma process enables an organization to measure the number of “defects” in a process, methods to eliminate them and get close to “zero defects”. It is a measurement-based strategy for process improvement. It’s a methodology, which aims at improving process and increasing customer satisfaction (both internal and external). The concept behind this approach is to reduce the variation in processes. This reduction leads to consistent and desired outcomes from processes. Hence, continuous process improvement with low defects is the goal of this method. For the initial phase, focus clearly on specifying the problems. Then, will focus on identifying the parameters that need to be quantified, ways to measure them, collect necessary data and carry out measurement by different techniques. Next, identify the gaps between actual and goal performance, determine its causes and opportunities for its improvement. Improves the process by determining potential solutions, ways to implement them, test and implement them for improvement. The last phase is to generate a detailed solution monitoring plan. This plan ensures that the required performance is maintained. So, that is how six sigma achieve excellent quality result because the best way to improve the result is to improve the solution process.
Six Sigma is highly disciplined process that helps focus on develop and deliver near-perfect products and services. It employs a step by step approach to reducing variation, increasing quality and customer satisfaction. By using DMAIC and DMADV, it will systemize all of the process. Therefore, the quality result will be achieve excellently. DMAIC is a systematic method to analysis and improve the process of the business. It contain data-driven quality strategy for improving whole process. Where DMADV is an improvement system that used to develop new process. Firstly define the source of problems, activity performance, target goal and customers need. Next, measure the performance standard by set the specific limit, develop data plan and validate measurement system. Besides, analyze data by review data and identify sources of defects by determine root cause of variation and poor performance. Next, improve performance by devise potential solution and identify the easiest solution to eliminate root causes. Control process by develop metrics that will help leader monitor and document continued success. Then, design the process by adjustment of additional need by develop detailed design and control plan. Lastly, verify the product with further develop to keep track of ongoing customer feedback. By apply all of this phase strategy, it will reduce the defect and improve the performance, process, product and services.
DMAIC and DMADV are the methods from six sigma to improvement of quality management that using analytical technique and statistics by eliminate defects but they both used in different situations. For DMADV (define, measure, analyze, design, and verify) are used to design a new processes to delivery the final products to the client correctly. It has five phases which are first, define customer needed for the product . Then, measure performance to customer requirements. Third, analyze the design for the product. Fourth, design of new processes required for new product. Fifth, verify result and maintain performance. After that, DMAIC (define, measure, analyze, improve and control) are data driven quality to improving and controlling a business process and it measure a current processes. DMAIC also has five phases but has some different of two last step from DMADV which are improving process performance by eliminate the root cause and control a improve process. Therefore, DMAIC checks in the meantime to improve business process and reduce defects. Meanwhile, DMADV used implementary new strategy because of basis data which needed through analysis. Other than that, DMAIC is correction that focusses on QTC parameter but DMADV is prevention that focusses on all of them.
1. Unknown Author, (9 September 2019), What is the Difference Between DMAIC and DMADV in Six Sigma?, Retrived from
2. Unknown Author, (1 July 2019), DMADV Process: a great Six Sigma Quality Method, Retrieved from https://www.toolshero.com/quality-management/dmadv-process/
As we know, DMAIC and DMADV are both six sigma used to reduce variations and defects in manufacturing. Both method have the the same first three element which are Define; to identify the customer requirement, Measure; to collect data and survey from customers and Analyze; to test the collected data which been assigned metrics. Those three element are considered basic step to product improvement. The next two element in DMAIC are Improve; to fix detected problem and Control; to avoid the fixed problem become a problem again. In my opinion, DMAIC is a method in which more suitable to be applied after a product has been released because to improve it require customers' feedback and after that only can we control the process to make sure the same problem would not appear later. Meanwhile, the next two element for DMADV are Design; to add any adjustment or additional feature to the product and Verify; to keep track on the customers' demand over time. This two elements may seem similar to improve and control, but in DMADV, designing and verification are to be done when the product is yet to be released. As we can see, the design are improved based on data collected from the customers of previous product. So, in my point of view, DMAIC is used when an already exist product is not meeting customer specification. While, DMADV is used when developing an entirely new product according to customer requirement in which product improvement and adjustment are to be done. All and all, both methods are striving for the same goals which are to increase productivity, quality and efficacy by reducing errors in production.
Six Sigma is an appropriate method to manage a company or department for every organization to achieve success. Next, it is also a great methodology for process improvement that decreases the variety of processes and aims to eliminate defects. Applying the Six Sigma methodology leads to increased customer requirements and cost reduction.
The Six Sigma has two key methodologies which are DMADV and DMAIC. DMADV stands for Defining, Measuring, Analyzing, Designing, Verifying, which is an enhancement scheme used to create new procedures or products while DMAIC stands for Defining, Measuring, Analyzing, Improving, Control, which is a systematic method to analyze and improve organizational processes. DMADV is a useful way in which we should think outside of the box and completely redesign the processes that cannot be fixed by the DMAIC approach.
We can use DMADV when our organization doesn’t have a product or process and need to develop a new one. Furthermore, the previous product or process has been optimized by using either DMAIC or not and may not yet satisfy the customer requirement, we also can use DMADV to review it. The result of using DMADV and DMAIC is a product or service that is completely aligned with customer expectations, wants and needs.
Six Sigma is the disciplined, statistical-based, data-driven approach and continuous improvement methodology for eliminating defects in a product, process or service. With the help of the tools of Six Sigma, the flow of process or services became much easy and systematic. With the help of Sig Sigma, a company will manage to finish their work according to the timeline. It’s also a room for continuous improvement. The Six Sigma quality uses facts, data, root cause to solve problems and help improve the efficiency of the overall process. This will ensure the data provides are real. A good quality of a product can be produces as it is a statistical measure of the performance of a process and measures the degree to which the process deviates from the goals and then takes efforts to improve customer satisfaction. The characteristics separate Six Sigma from quality programs of the past is a customer-focused. Besides, Six Sigma projects produce major returns on investments and it changes how management operates. As conclusion, Six Sigma will help management to develop empowered employees to identify and drive improvement ideas.
When there is no existing product, DMADV can be implemented to design the product or process and it would be to use when a process improvement doesn’t meet expectations or simply fails. Many method can be used throughout the DMAIC & DMADV. The factor that are critical to quality was measured and once the values for these factors are known, then an effective approach can be taken to start the production process. Identifying the optimal combination of requirements to achieve value within selecting the best components, then developing the best possible design in more detailed in order to identify where errors may occur and to make necessary modifications. In the final phase, expectations will be confirmed and all lessons learned will be documented. Besides, DMAIC can help improve company bottom line and improve the quality of product or service. During the measurement and analysis phase, all the measured data can determine the root of the problem and start figuring out ways to fix it then, do some improvement by come up with possible solutions, test and implement these solutions, and make any necessary changes. By controlling the whole process can maintain the effectiveness of process.
1. Graves. A. (2012), What Is DMADV, retrieved from,
2. Johnson. J (2019), What is Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control (DMAIC)? , retrieved from, https://tallyfy.com/what-is-dmaic/
Six Sigma is a management strategy that maximizes customer satisfaction and minimizes the defects that create customer dissatisfaction.
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) refers to a data-driven quality strategy for improving processes which is used to improve an existing business process. The five step DMAIC approach of Six Sigma reduces the defects in process, product or service. It builds on learning from previous phases to arrive at permanent solutions for difficult problems.
DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, and Verify) refers to a data-driven quality strategy for designing products and processes. It is used to create new product designs or process designs. DMADV helps in designing and launching first time right product with robust design features incorporating all customer requirements, more tighter tolerances and focuses on improved fit function and product performance which helps in reduction of internal and external failures costs. DMADV improves product performance, helps in designing robust and reliable product with lesser maintenance cost, lesser spare changing frequency and improves customer satisfaction, improves business profitability and increases market share of the business.
Six Sigma is a set of technique and tools for process improvement. Under Six sigma, there is DMAIC and DMADV.
DMAIC is a cycle of steps used for improving the business process and design. It consists of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. DMAIC is used to improve existing processes . How DMAIC actually helps in gaining excellent quality result? By using DMAIC cycle, goals could be set, process performance baseline will be established, root causes could be identified, improve the problem by implement the solution, and ensuring the sustainability of the changes. Also, as said earlier, it is a cycle of steps, and if followed accordingly, it could be improved and sustained overtime.
This is different for DMADV.DMADV consists of Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify. It is used for when the organization is creating new processes. It focuses on the customer's needs. It helps in gaining excellent quality results. Also, it address on identified issue and produce the desired results in a way that it can be sustained even after the steps finished in being implemented.
DMAIC is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes. It is an integral part of a Six Sigma initiative, but in general can be implemented as a standalone quality improvement procedure or as part of other process improvement initiatives.
It consists of five phases
Define the problem, improvement activity, opportunity for improvement, the project goals, and customer (internal and external) requirements.
Measure process performance.
Analyze the process to determine root causes of variation, poor performance (defects).
Improve process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes.
Control the improved process and future process performance.[1]
DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify) is a data-driven quality strategy that focuses on the development of new products or services compared to existing ones. The DMADV method or approach is often used when implementing new strategies because of its basis in data, its ability to identify success early, and its method, which requires thorough analysis. Like DMAIC, it is an integral part of a Six Sigma quality initiative.[2]
Both DMAIC and DMADV focused on improving the products based on data and facts rather than opinion. It eliminates chronic problem and improves customer satisfaction.
Six Sigma is a continuous process improvement with the intention of satisfying customer requirement that reduces process variation and optimizes development. Both technique DMAIC and DMADV are used and designed to make process, product or services more productive and powerful.
DMAIC can improving the process and its applicability by consisting five phases of define, measure, analyse , improve and control which it estimate the current procedure and check in the meantime to improve the process and eliminate defects. Its identify the benefits, applications and step of process and set specification limits which are meeting the customer needs. Its also inspect problem causes and identify potential and easiet solutions to be implement the metrics.
DMDV can improve the system by develop new processes and products which it is relates to the customer needs for service or product. It consist of five phase of define, measure, analyse, design and verify which to set up a proper plan of process model that meets customers requirement. The collected data and record specifications about the customers requirement are utilized to help the next process. The finished product or service are tested to create a baseline for improvement and the results are compared with customer requirement.
K Selvi, R. M. (2014). Six Sigma- Overview of DMAIC and DMADV . International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME) .
Stake, K. V. (2006). Six sigma with CMMI for high quality software. Integrating Six Sigma with CMMI for High Quality Software.
Six sigma is a problem-solving methodology that focus on reducing defects and variation. Six sigma use DMAIC methodology that emphasize on defect prevention over fixing defect and DMADV methodology to create new processes or product.The acronym DMAIC represents five phases which are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control while DMADV represents Define, Measure,Analyze, Design and Verify. From there we can see that six sigma able to improve the process, product or services and achieved excellent quality result because it provide a systematic way or guideline on how and what step that we need to take in order to find the root of defect and overcome it or design a new product that will satisfied or exceed the customers’ expectation. The step by step approach of six sigma is a comprehensive and flexible system that easy to apply in the organization. Six sigma is an effective way to improve and achieve excellent quality result because six sigma is uniquely driven by close understanding of customer needs, disciplined use of facts, data and statistical analysis so it is a decision that made based on facts and data rather than opinion.
Six Sigma is methodology that mostly been used by companies in order to improve the quality or produce the best design of products by identify and eliminating the defects that causes of variation.
DMAIC methodology is used when an organization is improving its existing processes during a process improvement project. The acronyms DMAIC that represents five phases are Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
DMADV methodology, is used when an organization is creating new processes in order to achieve their customers’ needs and the acronyms for DMADV represents five phases are Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify.
These Six Sigma methodology effected in improvement of processes, product or service because in the methodology already state the steps that we must take in order to improve or to create a new product. So the company will not miss any step and problems that may faces later will decrease.With the help of the tools also, the process became systematic and their workline can work excellently. In each step in the methodology already explain the important of the step for example in DMADV, firstly, we must define customer requirements and goals for the process, product or service then measure and match performance to customer requirements. Later, analyze and assess the design for the process, product or service. Next, design and implement the array of new processes required for the new process, product or service and lastly, verify results and maintain performance. For DMAIC, the most important steps is collecting data because by collecting data, the problem-solving team will has evidence to make their best decisions to solve a problem in a specific way.
Six Sigma is a measurement-based strategy for process improvement. Some of the companies used DMAIC and DMADV to reduce variation and waste in their organization. This also can be differentiate by the DMAIC model measures current processes of a process, while the DMADV Process measures customer needs.
Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, Control (DMAIC) is the most preferred tool that can help improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of any organization. Define is used to determine specify problem and goals of the process. Measure is used to collect the data related to the scope of the project. Analysis determines the root cause of waste and error. Improve is determining the possible solutions for improvement. Control ensures that the required performance is maintained for continuous performance.
For Define, Measure, Analyse, Design, Verify (DMADV), it is used to make sure that final product is deliver correctly to the client with high quality. For Define, Measure and Analysis are same in DMAIC technique. Design, the goal is to develop good product with logistically efficient. Verify, the final phase where verification and adjustment to the product is made where necessary.
From these, six sigma can be seen to produce consistent and desired outcomes from the processes. Hence, continuous process improvement with low defects is the goal of this method.
The application of six sigma is a norm in any manufacturing company. The first step is defining which helps in detecting and eliminating issues regarding the production process, an action plan would be developed to settle CTQs (critical to quality) and this can be done by paying attention to the VOC (voice of customer). Next, measuring the root cause of the problems by narrowing and focusing on possible causes. After few possible causes are listed, process parameters using diagrams such as cause and effect diagram or cause and effect matrix can be illustrated.
For analysis, different statistical tools were used to finalize a target. A solid explaination about the root causes would be recorded, the variables relationship will be studied so a hypothesis can be made. Here comes the differences between two methods of six sigma : DMAIC and DMADV. In improvement process in DMAIC, the goal is to eliminate the root causes with innovative ideas. Same concept as designing in DMADV, a detailed and high level of selected alternative will be presented and lead to a creation of a prototype model to solve the issues detected. In control phase in DMAIC, an established measuring systems and control criteria will be fixed and renewed in the future when quality problems pop up.
For DMADV, verifying step is to validate the design of a prototype model whether it is acceptable and effective enough for the production. All of these steps are crucial in helping the manufacturer from facing a massive supply chain inventories. Production or purchases in lot sizes that are larger than the customer’s demand will cause the unsold goods to rot slowly thus, making it to be sold in much cheaper prices to avoid loss eventhough the sales did not cover the capital. Satisfying the customer is the key, whatever meets the customer’s qualification and satisfaction will be added directly during the six sigma process. Also, six sigma improves efficiency and timeliness. Thousands or millions of goods produced in a short time with excellent supply inventory management will help to boost the sale and short of stock can be avoided.
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· J. Hill, A. J. Thomas, R. K. Thomas Jones and S. El-Kateb (2017), The implementation of a Lean Six Sigma framework to enhance operational performance in an MRO facility, Production & Manufacturing Research, Vol. 6, Issue 1.
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Generally, Six Sigma is a tool that measures how many “defects” they have in a process, and yet it can be figured out systematically on how to eliminate them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible. Besides, by adopting Six Sigma that is embedded in a corporate culture, the processes will continue to improve. It has two key methodologies which are DMAIC and DMADV.
The DMAIC is a systematic method for analyzing and improving business processes while DMADV process is as an approachment to improve the system that often used to implement new processes, strategies or products due to its basis in data, its ability to identify success early and also its method, which requires through the analysis. Both DMAIC and DMADV are used to eliminate defects, but they are used in different situations.
DMAIC is an acronym that consists of five phases which are defined as Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control. These five phases help to achieve high quality levels of products and services by removing the causes of defects and variability in such processes in order to strive for perfection. The ultimate objectives of DMAIC to solve problems, improve the quality, profitability and customers statisfaction in a cost effective manner. The problems are systematically analyses at the front end of the process and continued throughout the process.
DMADV (Define-Measure-Analyze-Design-Validate) on the other hand, is a Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) method that mainly focuses on customers needs for product improvement, adjustment, redesign a problematic process or the creation of an entirely new product. Furthermore, DMADV is used when the existing product that has been optimized and yet still does not meet the level of customer’s specification. DMADV’s approachment prevents the problems from occur through quality and robust design concepts.
Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. Six sigma is driven by the customer and thus aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and minimizing the defects. It targets the customer delight and new innovative ways to exceed the customer expectations.Implementation of Six Sigma methodology leads to rise of profitability and reduction in costs. Thus improvements achieved are directly related to financial results. Six sigma was Provides a disciplined approach to problem solving, changes the company culture and create a competitive advantage.
DMAIC model is a systematic method for analyzing & improving business processes. It have 5 phase firstly is Define which is identify the problem, opportunity for improvement, the project goals, and customer (internal and external) requirements. Measure process performance., is Analyze the process to determine root causes of variation, poor performance (defects).
Improve process performance by addressing and eliminating the root causes.
Control the improved process and future process performance
Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. Six sigma is driven by the customer and thus aims to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and minimizing the defects. It targets the customer delight and new innovative ways to exceed the customer expectations. Six sigma was Provides a disciplined approach to problem solving, changes the company culture and create a competitive advantage.
Sigma have 2 category DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC is a systematic method for analyzing and improving business process. It have 5 phases which is
- define,
identify the problem, improve the activity and achieve goals.
- measure,
the process performance are recorded
- analyze,
the defect that due to lack of performance
- Improve
Eliminate that can be lack of performance
- control
improve the process
while in DMADV is define the application that the customer require product improvement, adjustment, or the creation of the entire new product or service. It also have 5 phase which is
■ define
the identify the project want and need to be consider.
■ Measure
Collecting data to help the drive process
■ Analyze
The manufacturing process is tested to create baseline of the process
■ Design
The result of the analyze id compare with what customer need
■ verify
the methodology us on going and he product is release and customer review is coming.
DMADV is a Six Sigma quality method that is used to design new processes, with the goal of delivering the final product to the client correctly. The goal of the DMADV Process is the creation of a high-quality product, whole keeping the customer and the customer’s need in mind during every phase of the project. Six Sigma is about process improvement as part of quality management. Existing products and/or services are improved using analytical techniques and statistics. Six Sigma focuses on reducing variability in matters that are perceived as Critical to Quality (CTQ) by the customer. These CTQs are very important and vital to quality; it is about the internal critical quality parameters that relate to the customer’s wishes and needs. As such, CTQs are quality characteristics of the process or service that meet the requirements of the customer.
Six sigma can because you deine your own "defect" so six sigma helps doing statistical analysys to findout statistically the "defects" can be reduced, the next is go from statistical solution to real solution, then you focus only in the "factors" most impact your "response". Its the only scientific way to validate any improvement; of course you will ned data.
Refer to this book sir:
The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to 100 Tools for Improving Quality and Speed 1st Edition
by Michael L. George (Author), John Maxey (Author), David Rowlands (Author), Mark Price (Author)
Regarding why ; due to (DMAIC methodology)
Recognize - DMAIC - Sustainability & Integrate
In recognize (R) : build a formal 6 sigma team for a strong infrastructure.
In (S & I) : for expert system and best practice for exchange.