Hi everyone!
I've been trying to do some simple genotyping for weeks. I've been painstakingly following the procedure that has worked for others in my lab, and have tried changes such as changing voltage, running time, amount of sample loaded, gel percentage, and running buffer. Switching from 2.5 to 3% agarose gel and moving from TAE to TBE has helped, albeit marginally. However, my gels continue to turn out... hideous. I can never create clean, clear bands. I have awful smearing, strange shapes, and ambiguity (products are supposed to have one band or two, instead there's an amorphous smear, or a faint band that isn't as strong as the double-banded control, which makes me hesitant to label it as having two bands).
My products are 200-600 bp, I'm running at 110 V, 400 mA, for 90 min. I'm loading about 10 microliters in larger wells, and about 5 in smaller wells (if I try to load more, smearing increases. If I load less, I get bands that are too faint). I try to start running as soon as humanly possible after loading the gel, and image right after it's done. I visualize with SYBR safe.
If anyone has any insight, I would be deeply indebted to you. I've been troubleshooting for weeks, and I'm about to lose my mind over a task that should be simple. Hoping that these cruel gels will have pity on my desperate, undergrad soul. (Haha)