
I have a question regarding the stain free blot technology of Biorad. After electroforesis I take a picture ("Stain-free gel") for activation of the trihalo-compound. Next I transfer the gel to the membrane using TransBlot Turbo mini TGX (3 min transfer) and whash it 3x 5min in TBST. Next, I take another picture using the Chemidoc (Stain-free blot). This picture is very important as it is used for normalization (all protein normalization). Next, I execute the rest of the protocol and take other pictures (background= very low). However, the background on the Stain-free Blot image is very high and interferes with my normalization, making it unreliable...

I have increases whashing steps (another 2x 5min), Tween concentration,...

Does anybody have a suggestion how to overcome background issues?

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